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Showing posts with the label Warfare prayer

50 Powerful Prayer Points for Divine Protection

"Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6  Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7  A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee" - Psalm 91:5-7 NOTE:  Remember, prayer is a powerful tool, and as you pray these prayer points, trust in God's faithfulness and believe in His ability to protect and watch over you.  The Prayer Points... Heavenly Father, thank you for being my refuge and fortress. I declare that I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. (Psalm 91:1) Lord, I take refuge in You. Surround me with Your angels and protect me from all harm and danger. (Psalm 34:7) I trust in You, O Lord, for You are a shield around me. Preserve me from the attacks of the enemy. (Psalm 3:3) Father, hide me under the shadow of Your wings. Keep me safe from the snares of the wicked. (Psalm 17:8) Lord, I put on the who


Introduction These prayer points are designed to help you approach God with a focused and fervent heart, seeking His intervention to terminate poverty in your life. Poverty is not a destiny that God desires for His children, and through prayer, we can bring our needs and desires before Him, trusting in His power and provision. Each prayer point is accompanied by a relevant Bible reference, reminding us of God's promises and teachings on abundance, financial stewardship, and the principles of His Kingdom. As you engage in these prayers, may your faith be strengthened, your mindset renewed, and your path aligned with God's purposes for your life. Remember, prayer is a powerful tool that can break chains, remove limitations, and open doors of opportunity. Approach these prayer points with expectation, knowing that God is able to transform your financial circumstances and lead you into a life of abundance and prosperity. The Prayer Points... Heavenly Father, I thank You for being t

Powerful Warfare Prayer Points From Psalm 35

Psalm 35 contains very strong prayer secrets some of which I am revealing in the piece. These prayer points will help you confront and subdue spiritual powers contending with you if prayed fervently. The Prayer Points... Lord, contend with those who contend with me, fight against those who fight against my soul. (Psalm 35:1) Heavenly Father, arise and shield me from the attacks of the enemy, for they seek to bring me down. (Psalm 35:2) Lord, let your spear and javelin be against those who pursue me, and let them stumble and fall by your mighty hand. (Psalm 35:3) O God, let confusion and fear come upon my adversaries, and let them be scattered in their plans against me. (Psalm 35:4) Heavenly Father, stretch out your hand against the schemes of the wicked, and deliver me from their grasp. (Psalm 35:5) Lord, let the angel of the Lord chase my enemies and pursue them, bringing swift justice and deliverance. (Psalm 35:6) O God, let the traps set by the enemy backfire upon them, and let them