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Understanding the Prayer of Jabez

The Prayer of Jabez is a short passage found in 1 Chronicles 4:10, in which Jabez, a descendant of Judah, prays to God for blessings and protection. The passage reads as follows: "And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!' So God granted him what he requested." The prayer of Jabez has become popular in Christian circles, and some have interpreted it as a formula for success and prosperity. However, it's important to note that the prayer of Jabez is not a guarantee of material blessings, nor is it a magical incantation that guarantees answered prayers. Instead, the prayer of Jabez can be understood as a heartfelt plea for God's provision and protection, rooted in a desire to honor God and avoid causing pain to others. Here is a breakdown of the four requests that Jabez makes in his prayer: "Ble

6 Ways To Pray Effectively As A Christian

Prayer is one essential part of the Christian faith that believers should take seriously. It is the means by which we communicate with God, and it allows us to deepen our relationship with Him. While prayer is a simple act, it can be challenging to know how to pray effectively. Here are some tips for praying effectively as a Christian: #1. Set aside a specific time and place for prayer: Prayer is a discipline that requires commitment and consistency. To make prayer a regular part of your life, it is important to set aside a specific time and place for prayer. This will help you to make prayer a habit and ensure that you have uninterrupted time to focus on communicating with God. #2. Begin with praise and thanksgiving: Before making any requests of God, it is important to begin with praise and thanksgiving. This is because God is worthy of our worship, and it is important to acknowledge His goodness and faithfulness in our lives. This will also help to align our hearts with God's

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is an essential aspect of the Christian faith. It is the means by which we communicate with God, our Creator, and the one who sustains us through every moment of our lives. Prayer is powerful because it connects us to the source of all power, and it is through prayer that we can tap into the strength and wisdom we need to navigate the challenges of life. The Bible is full of examples of the power of prayer. In the Old Testament, we read about Abraham's intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses' prayers for the Israelites, and Elijah's prayers for rain. In the New Testament, we see the power of prayer demonstrated through the life of Jesus, who prayed regularly and who taught his disciples to pray. We also see the power of prayer in the lives of the early Christians, who prayed fervently for the spread of the Gospel and for the strength to endure persecution. One of the most powerful aspects of prayer is that it changes us. When we pray, we are forced to acknowledge

2023 Prophecy: Pastor Olukoya Releases 30 Prophecies

The founder and General Overseer of Mountain and Fire and Miracles Ministries, Pastor Daniel  Olukoya has released an 30-point prophecy for 2023. Preaching during the annual crossover service of the church, the pastor encouraged Nigerians to be prayerful and vigilant in 2023, adding that God will deal with the wicked and corrupt leaders. The man of God tagged 2023 the ‘Year of Death and Resurrection.’  He said God would dismantle every Satanic and evil stronghold in 2023. Here are details of Pastor Olukoya's prophecies: 1. This is a year to wage a very serious war against the spirit of procrastination. 2. It is a year when the flesh must be mortified if you want to avoid trouble. 3. It is going to be a year of recovery and turnaround restoration to so many people. 4. It is a year when God will humble the proud. 5. It is a year when serious prayers against violent revolutions and overthrows are required. 6. It is a year of strange war against your attention; avoid distractions. 7. W

2023 Prophecy: Pastor Oyedepo Releases Prophecy For The Year

The Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, popularly known as Winner Chapel has released his prophecies for 2023. In the prophecies, he said there will be an army of giants like the world has never known. Here are detail of the prophecies: 1. The year 2023 shall be a year of wildfire spiritual awakening in our midst, where every Winner shall be walking in the fear of God as a new way of life, thereby attracting multitudes to Christ and this church. 2. The year 2023 shall be a year of the outbreak of light that will lead to a supernatural change of story for us as individuals. 3. There shall be a new dimension of explosive church growth in the year 2023 above all that we ever heard or experienced as a commission till date. 4. There shall be the rise of an army of giants, the kind the world has never known from our midst in 2023, the darkness and gloominess hovering over the world notwithstanding. 5. There shall be a rise of global solution providers among us in the year 2023. 6. There

2023 Prophecy: Pastor Enenche Releases Prophecy

The Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Center, Pastor Paul Enenche has relased his prophecy for 2023. He spoke during the crossover service of the church at the church's headquarters, Glory Dome, Abuja. The man of God declared that light has come to the nation of Nigeria. He said the glory of God would be restored to thecountry and in the lives of church members in the new year. He further said, “Light is in your hands, I prophesy a light explosion! Every trace of the power of darkness around your life, family and our nation, I declare that they are buried by Light! “Step into your season of honour, dignity and distinction, Nigeria! Step in! Unusual, stupendous and supernatural supplies! Royalties, kings and nobles, they shall look for you! And they shall submit! And for you, your tenure on the ground floor has expired!" “2023! Light has come! To Nigeria! To your family! To my family”!


The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E. A. Adeboye has given his prophecy for 2023 during the Crossover Service of the church which held at the Redemption Camp. His prophecy: World Weather will be more erratic. The world will be relatively more peaceful. Individual For some people your biggest challenge in 2022 will lead to your biggest testimony in 2023. God will speak peace to some troubled homes. For quite a few people there will be restoration of lost glory. Many trouble makers will lose the ability to make trouble. Quite a few balloons will be deflated this year. There will be a bit of wealth transfer.