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Showing posts from November, 2013


Mount Horeb where God spoke to Moses was an isolated place. Horeb is a place people hardly go to. We never read anywhere in the Bible that someone else saw the fire of the burning bush that day except Moses. This shows how unpopular and lonely this part of town is. It was quite isolated. At several other instances, God has spoken to men in isolated places. Why will God prefer to talk to His vessels in an isolated place? He could have talked to Moses at the village square, market, by the well or even on the street. But God did not. If you have ever been woken up in the night or early hours of the morning by your parents or spouse for a talk, then you will understand how important discussions held isolation can be in a relationship. Severally in the scripture, when God has serious issues to relate to His vessels, He did so either in isolated places or during quiet hours because serious matters are best discussed in noiseless environments or hours when distractions will be minimal.


And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils – Mark 3:15 Does it not surprise you that the essence of the Burning Bush was just to get Moses’ attention? God has been watching Moses for about 40 years in Midian but never said anything to him. Even on the fateful day He decided to talk to Moses, God kept quiet and waited for Moses to show interest in the strange fire before He will talk. He did not talk until Moses gave attention to the burning bush. Who knows how many times in the past He had brought up situations in an attempt to get Moses’ attention and Moses failed to take notice it? God had to call Samuel three times before it was discerned that it was God that was calling. Is it not possible that God had beckoned on you severally in the past and you failed to give Him at


Put me in his shoes, there was something else that must have puzzled Moses as he stood before the burning bush that day. I can imagine him asking himself, “So God is present even on Horeb?” Hareb , one of the possible Hebrew words from which the word Horeb was derived means dryness, desolation, dry up, lay waste or to be in ruin. So Moses must have been surprised that God is present even in this place of desolation and dryness. He would have thought that due to the dryness of Horeb, God would not be there. How wrong he was. Over time and with other encounters he had with God on Mount Horeb (Exodus 3, Exodus 17:6), he could not but recognize the place as the Mount of God . What a conflict; God manifesting repeatedly in a place of desolation. If there is anywhere God should have been encountered it should not be on Horeb with all the dryness. After all, our God is a God of abundance. So He should be in places filled with abundance and wherever there is desolation, dryness,


And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.   And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground - Exodus 3:4-5 Exodus Chapter 3 marked the beginning of Moses' walk with God. It marked the beginning of his ministry. While at the backside of the desert, on Mount Horeb grazing his father-in-law's flock, he stumbled on something very strange (for so it seemed to him). It was the kind of strange things that you hear about only in fairy tales. It was an awesome and frightening sight; the sight of a bush on fire but not being consumed. "No, definitely something must be wrong. How can this be? A non-destructive fire! The trees and grasses are still lush, green and standing; the flowers, bright and blossoming. This is against the natural ministry of fire which is to destroy everything on its