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And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils – Mark 3:15

Does it not surprise you that the essence of the Burning Bush was just to get Moses’ attention? God has been watching Moses for about 40 years in Midian but never said anything to him. Even on the fateful day He decided to talk to Moses, God kept quiet and waited for Moses to show interest in the strange fire before He will talk. He did not talk until Moses gave attention to the burning bush. Who knows how many times in the past He had brought up situations in an attempt to get Moses’ attention and Moses failed to take notice it? God had to call Samuel three times before it was discerned that it was God that was calling. Is it not possible that God had beckoned on you severally in the past and you failed to give Him attention? Is it not possible that God has ignited spiritual Burning Bushes to which you remained blind and unresponsive? My prayer is that God will open your spiritual eyes that you will become very sensitive to spiritual signals in Jesus name. Amen.

Understanding spiritual signals is cardinal for any man who desires to make tangible spiritual impact in life. A man who is blind to spiritual signals can hardly fulfill destiny. A spiritually blind man will always get into spiritual troubles. He will be like little Samuel who will always run to Prophet Eli each time that God calls because he cannot understand the voice of God. He will be like Herod and the people of Israel who could not understand the spiritual signal of the star that announced the birth of Jesus to the wise men.
A driver who does not understand road signs will always have problems with traffic laws. He will turn where there is a “No Turning” sign, park where he should not and contravene speed limit laws. Same goes for a man that is not sensitive to spiritual signals. He will move when heaven is asking him to wait and run when he should be walking. A man who does not understand spiritual signals will go to places where the Holy Spirit has signaled he should not go. Spiritual signals are heaven’s pointers to the direction a man should go. They could also be warning signs to dangers and calamities that may be lying ahead.


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