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Showing posts from April, 2022


Proverbs 31:10-31 talks about the character and attributes of the VIRTUOUS WOMAN. She is clearly the kind of woman any man would desire to have as wife and every child as mother. Her character stands her tall and makes her the envy of others. What are these attributes that distinguishes a virtuous woman? Here are ten qualities that makes her a virtuous woman. 1. She loves God with all her heart Pro.31:30. A virtuous woman wholeheartedly loves and reverently fears God. She lives a life that honours God. Her relationship with her maker is top priority. She obeys divine instructions and gets blessed for that. She is always submissive to the will of God. A glaring example is Virgin Mary. 2. She trusts God and so prays in faith Pro.31:30, 1Sam. 1 A Christian virtuous woman trusts God so much that regularly communication with her maker (via prayer and other acts of worship) is a regular practice. Hannah quickly comes to mind as an example in this regards. She was distressed and mocked becaus


I made a video of a teaching I am presently doing on the subject COMMITMENT. It is going to be a series of teaching which I will handle once a week for the next 2-3weeks. i published the first part yesterday on YouTube and you will find the video embedded below: It is a revelational teaching that emphasizes the importance of commitment from biblical standpoint.