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Proverbs 31:10-31 talks about the character and attributes of the VIRTUOUS WOMAN. She is clearly the kind of woman any man would desire to have as wife and every child as mother. Her character stands her tall and makes her the envy of others. What are these attributes that distinguishes a virtuous woman?

Here are ten qualities that makes her a virtuous woman.

1. She loves God with all her heart Pro.31:30.

A virtuous woman wholeheartedly loves and reverently fears God. She lives a life that honours God. Her relationship with her maker is top priority. She obeys divine instructions and gets blessed for that. She is always submissive to the will of God. A glaring example is Virgin Mary.

2. She trusts God and so prays in faith Pro.31:30, 1Sam. 1

A Christian virtuous woman trusts God so much that regularly communication with her maker (via prayer and other acts of worship) is a regular practice.

Hannah quickly comes to mind as an example in this regards. She was distressed and mocked because of her childlessness but she didn't resort to fighting or throwing tantrums at her husband or co-wife, Peninnah. She rather took it to God in prayers. Thank God she got her desired answer. Virtuous women trust God.

3. She defends her husband

David once intended to kill Nabal for refuse to extend some goodwill to him but Abigail, Nabal's went secretly to plead with David on his behalf. That act saved Nabal's life. If Abigail didn't act fast, she would have end up a widow. Virtuous women go out of their way to do things beneficial to their homes, that ego won't let their husbands do. Acts that save not only their husbands but also their entire household.

4. She helps her husband

A virtuous woman understands that her primary responsibility in the life of her spouse is to help him. Help him  improve and become a better him, help him achieve his life's purpose, help him raise aṅd cater for a family, help him love and serve God, etc.

5. She nurtures/grooms her children. 

Godly upbringing of her children is a task a virtuous woman does not toy with. She also ensures the get good nourishment and cultivate healthy and hygienic habits.

6. She is a homemaker. 

She makes the home conducive for her husband and children. Her children therefore desire to be around her as much as possible. Yes she disciplines when necessary but she always does it with love. She understands and uses Proverbs 13:24 and Proverbs  23:13: "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

"Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die."

7. She is trustworthy and earns the trust of her husband. Proverbs 31:11. 

Because of how valuable she makes herself in the home and life of her husband, every virtuous woman earns the trust of her husband. He is ever willing to trust her with his career, business and other of his secrets. He trusts her judgment on issues. 

8. She is industrious. Proverbs 31:13-14

A virtuous woman works at having a source of income no matter how much her husband earns. She bring some money home and helps in bearing the financial needs of the family. She therefore does not defend on her husband 100 per cent for every financial need of the home.

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