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21 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

The Bible, often referred to as the cornerstone of faith for millions worldwide, isn't merely a repository of historical accounts and moral teachings. In it are found testaments of the power of prayer. Within its pages lie fervent pleas, heartfelt cries, and jubilant hymns that echo through the ages, serving as beacons of hope and inspiration for believers seeking solace, guidance, and divine intervention in their lives. This brief article, brings to light 21 of the most potent prayers found within the sacred scriptures, each a testament to the unwavering faith and trust in God's providence exhibited by those who uttered them. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13): Often regarded as the quintessential prayer, the Lord's Prayer, also known as the Our Father, serves as a blueprint for believers, encompassing reverence for God, supplication for daily sustenance, and forgiveness of sins. Hannah's Unvoiced Prayer (1 Samuel 2:1-10): Hannah's poignant prayer, born out of

22 "Oh Earth Open And Swallow" Prayer - Warfare Prayer

Number 16:31-33 31  And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them:  32  And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.  33  They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation. Our God can use anything and everything to fight the battle of His children . When enemies and swallow up everyone who opposed Moses. PRAYER POINTS Thank You Lord Who uses everything and situation to fight the battles of Your children. Thank You Lord because I know You will fight for me once more Oh Lord, show me mercy in every area I have sinned against You in Jesus name. Father Lord, as I enter the realm of spiritual warfare, anoint my tongue with power and fire in Jesus name. Oh Earth open and swallow every opposition to divine breakthrough in my lif


And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away: intreat for me. - Exodus 8:28 There are powers that do not want to see make progress. If you must progress at all they insist and do everything to see to it that you do not go far. These are the powers we are praying against here. We are asking God to destroy their plans to hold us bound against God's plan and purpose for us  Let's go on to pray. The Prayer Points Heavenly Father, I thank You immensely for the privilege of life and health in Jesus name. Oh Lord God, arise and crush the head of every serpent and serpentine powerful standing on the way of my progress in Jesus name. Oh you Pharaoh that have sworn never to allow me go far, lose your powers over my life and destiny now in Jesus name. Father Lord, I pray for the courage to step out in faith, knowing that with You, I can go far. Oh you spirit of discouragement used by the enemy agains






  These special prayer points would be more effective if said during fasting or midnight prayer session. Though they can be said at any other time. Before you say these prayers or any prayers at, you should worship God intensely eith singing and dancing and thank Him for all He has done for you. The Psalmist said, " Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name" . - Psalm 100:4  Praise and worship if done from a platform of a righteous heart, gives you access to God's presence. THE PRAYER POINTS #1. Father, I decree the termination of every near-success experience orchestrated by the enemy in my life, according to Psalm 138:8. Near-success syndrome disappear permanently in my life now in Jesus' name. #2. I command every door the enemy has opened to near-success in my life be shut and sealed permanently now by the power in the blood of Jesus, as in Isaiah 22:22, in Jesus' name. #3. I overcome and d


Here is a list of 15 times recorded in the Bible that Apostle Paul suffered greatly for the sake of the kingdom of God. #1. Jews determined to kill Paul right after his conversion. Acts 9:23 #2. He was hindered in joining the Christians. Acts 9:26-29 #3. He was opposed by Satan. Acts 13:6-12 #4. He was opposed by Jews in a mob. Acts 13:44-49 #5. He was expelled out of Antioch in Pisidia. Act 13:50 #6. He was mobbed and expelled from Iconium. Acts 14:1-15 #7. He fled to Lystra and Derbe where he was stoned and left for dead. Acts 14:6-19 #8. He was disputing continually with false brethren. Acts 19:8 #9. He was beaten and jailed in Philippi. Acts 16:12-40 #10. He was mobbed and expelled from Thessalonica. Acts 17:10-14 #11. He was mobbed and expelled from Berea. Acts 17:10-14 #12. He was mobbed at Corinth. Acts 18:1-23 #13. He was mobbed at Ephesus Acts 19:23-31 #14. There was a plot against his life by the Jews. Acts 20:3 #15. He was seized by the Jews mob, tried in court 5 times and s


"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee" - Psalm 122:6 The Prayer Points Heavenly Father, we pray for the leaders of the United States, that they may be guided by wisdom, integrity, and compassion in their decision-making in Jesus name. Lord, grant unity and reconciliation among the people of America, bridging divides and fostering understanding and respect in Jesus name. We lift up our nation's military, first responders, and frontline workers, asking for your protection and strength as they serve and protect our communities in Jesus name. God, we ask for healing and restoration for those who have been affected by disasters, economic hardships, or health crises across the nation in Jesus name. Oh Lord, grant discernment to lawmakers and policymakers as they address social injustices, striving for equality and fairness for all citizens in Jesus name. Lord, we pray for the education system in America, that it may nurture minds and instill the fe

Prayer Points To Cancel Witchcraft Activities

First Thing First The prayers here will be most effective for those who are born again. If you are not born again yet, I encourage you to do so now by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If you are ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, say this prayer with me: " Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Accept you today as my Lord and Saviour. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your precious Blood. God please give me the grace from now onward to live a holy life on Jesus name. Amen." Dealing With Witchcraft "But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one... And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries" - Acts 8:9,11 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". Exodus 22:18 Witchcraft which is the exercise of supernatural power possessed by persons in league with the devil and


Genesis 32:26   "And he said to him, Let me go now, for the dawn is near. But Jacob said, I will not let you go till you have given me your blessing." Jacob was at a crossroad. He has his brother to confront and possibly fight the next day. He was so scared because he doesn't have what it takes for such a fight. For so many years he has been a servant to Laban, his uncle and when he thought he was coming out of servitude, his brother is here to confront him. If he loses that battle, he will become his brother's servant. That night he had the opportunity of encountering God. He decides that enough is enough for servitude in his life. So he toiled that night in prayer and overcame. If only you are ready to toil in prayer, God will terminate a lot of nonsense the enemy is doing in your life. LET'S PRAY 1. Oh Lord God thank You for the privilege and grace to approach Your throne of grace and mercy.  2. Father Lord, as I say these prayers, arise oh Lord and answer me s


PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF  MARCH 2024 THEME: Oh Lord! Cause The Earth Favour Me Bible text: Genesis 1:10-12, 24-30, PRAYER POINTS Worship God intensely Oh Lord I worship You in Your glory and majesty today. Be eternally glorified in Jesus name. Oh Lord, I appreciate You for creating and blessing the earth for my good in Jesus name. Oh earth! You are created to bless and bring me increase. In this month, I command you to yield bountiful increase for me in Jesus name. Oh earth! I command you this day, open the fountains of every abundance in you unto me in Jesus name. Oh Lord God, release on me the anointing to maximize the wealthy endowment of this earth in Jesus name. Every voice of death calling my name from within the earth, catch fire now in Jesus name. Powers using the earth to oppose my progress, scatter now by fire in Jesus name. Oh earth! I command you this day, reject every evil sacrifice, libation, divination, and curses pronounced over you against my destiny in Jesus name. Ever