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Showing posts with the label A Man After God's Heart


Here is a list of 15 times recorded in the Bible that Apostle Paul suffered greatly for the sake of the kingdom of God. #1. Jews determined to kill Paul right after his conversion. Acts 9:23 #2. He was hindered in joining the Christians. Acts 9:26-29 #3. He was opposed by Satan. Acts 13:6-12 #4. He was opposed by Jews in a mob. Acts 13:44-49 #5. He was expelled out of Antioch in Pisidia. Act 13:50 #6. He was mobbed and expelled from Iconium. Acts 14:1-15 #7. He fled to Lystra and Derbe where he was stoned and left for dead. Acts 14:6-19 #8. He was disputing continually with false brethren. Acts 19:8 #9. He was beaten and jailed in Philippi. Acts 16:12-40 #10. He was mobbed and expelled from Thessalonica. Acts 17:10-14 #11. He was mobbed and expelled from Berea. Acts 17:10-14 #12. He was mobbed at Corinth. Acts 18:1-23 #13. He was mobbed at Ephesus Acts 19:23-31 #14. There was a plot against his life by the Jews. Acts 20:3 #15. He was seized by the Jews mob, tried in court 5 times and s

2023 Prophecy: Pastor Oyedepo Releases Prophecy For The Year

The Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, popularly known as Winner Chapel has released his prophecies for 2023. In the prophecies, he said there will be an army of giants like the world has never known. Here are detail of the prophecies: 1. The year 2023 shall be a year of wildfire spiritual awakening in our midst, where every Winner shall be walking in the fear of God as a new way of life, thereby attracting multitudes to Christ and this church. 2. The year 2023 shall be a year of the outbreak of light that will lead to a supernatural change of story for us as individuals. 3. There shall be a new dimension of explosive church growth in the year 2023 above all that we ever heard or experienced as a commission till date. 4. There shall be the rise of an army of giants, the kind the world has never known from our midst in 2023, the darkness and gloominess hovering over the world notwithstanding. 5. There shall be a rise of global solution providers among us in the year 2023. 6. There


Any believer who wants to enjoy a good relationship with God should be very interested in discovering what David did that endeared him to God’s heart. If David, a shepherd boy who spent most of his time in the wilderness taking care of his father’s flock successfully won God’s heart, then you too can win God’s heart. There are conditions set by God which must be met by anyone who wants to win His heart. Truth remains that God is not ready to change these conditions for any reason. The Bible reveals in 2 Timothy 2:19 that; …the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. You either meet the conditions or forget about winning His heart. The choice is yours. In our world today where there are too many blends and diverse teachings in the Christian faith, it is very important for every believer to know and understand this: God will never change the conditions for winning His he


    And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the LORD have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever. But now thy kingdom shall not continue: the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the LORD hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the LORD commanded thee – 1 Samuel 13:13-14  If you have meditatively read the above Bible passage before now, one question you must have possibly asked yourself is, “what qualified David to become a man after God’s heart?” Our God could not be lying. If He called David a man after His heart, then that is who David was. What should be of interest to us is to know how David qualified to become a man after God’s heart. Our anchor scripture in this chapter, 1 Samuel 13:13-14 reveals that those who are after God’s heart occupy a special place in His divine scheme. God knows them and they are