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Any believer who wants to enjoy a good relationship with God should be very interested in discovering what David did that endeared him to God’s heart. If David, a shepherd boy who spent most of his time in the wilderness taking care of his father’s flock successfully won God’s heart, then you too can win God’s heart.

There are conditions set by God which must be met by anyone who wants to win His heart. Truth remains that God is not ready to change these conditions for any reason. The Bible reveals in 2 Timothy 2:19 that; …the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. You either meet the conditions or forget about winning His heart. The choice is yours. In our world today where there are too many blends and diverse teachings in the Christian faith, it is very important for every believer to know and understand this: God will never change the conditions for winning His heart. 

Once David succeeded in winning God’s heart, every other thing worked in his favour. Once he won God’s heart, he became a winner in other frontiers of life. He received great power and grace to kill a lion and a bear, Goliath, became Israel’s king which nobody thought he was qualified for and won wars that by ordinary human strength he would not have won. If life’s battles can be won just by winning God’s heart, then it is a venture that is worth the while and effort of every Christian. 

Found by God

Does it not surprise you that God told Prophet Samuel that He had found for himself a man after His heart? It was God that searched and found David. This indicates that God is always in search of men who are after His heart. He does not send anyone to do the search for Him but rather does it Himself. It is a matter that is too important to God that He would not send any angel, prophet or preacher to do the search for Him. If He sends any other person the fellow might choose the wrong person just as Samuel almost did before David showed up and was anointed king of Israel.

God’s interest in this category of men is a reciprocation of their interest and commitment to Him. 

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him… – 2 Chronicles 16:9.

The Scriptures say God is searching the whole earth for such people. God’s search is not restricted to geographical boundaries. It does not matter to Him where the man is coming from. It does not matter whether he lives in a cave or sleeps under the stairway. God goes after him. God does not look at the colour of our skin, language, ethnic origin or physique in considering a person as a man after His heart. He does not consider the person’s financial status. Once the man fulfils heaven’s conditions for winning God’s heart, he instantly gets God’s attention. My heart desire is to always find myself in this wonderful class of men who have earned God’s attention so much so that God goes after them. I believe this is your heart desire too.

They Are Simple Men

The men after God’s heart are hardly the ones that announce themselves to people. They are rather found and projected to the world by God. Just like David, they are often simple men who have decided to walk with the principle of obedience to the word of God. They do not always bear big religious titles (not as though bearing religious titles is bad), but they are very close to God. Men might not take note of their faithfulness and willingness to do God’s will but it sure does not escape heaven’s watchful eyes. They are never given to eye-service in the Christian-fold but are fully committed to God. They are often too busy working for and in God’s kingdom; too busy praising God; too busy with evangelism; too busy studying the scriptures, that they often do not notice that God’s searchlight is on them. Top on their priority is to please God in everything they do.

Fortune Ihunweze is a pastor, Christian teacher, author and counsellor with great passion for Bible study and prayers. Email:

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