Please read the Bible texts as you pray.
BIBLE TEXT: Mat. 15:13; 19:5-6, Mk. 10:8-9, Heb. 13:4, Job 22:28, Joh.10:10
Worship and praise God intensely.
Thank God for His grace, mercies and everything He has done for you.
Ask God to forgive you of any sin in your life.
Ask God to forgive your husband of his sinfulness.
Father, as I seek Your face in this prayer session please answer me in Jesus name.
I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus as I enter the arena of spiritual warfare in Jesus name.
I will not die because of the troubles of this marriage in Jesus name. I shall reap the benefits of a joyful marriage in Jesus name.
Every plan from the pit of hell to keep tormenting me in this marriage be destroyed now in Jesus name.
My marriage shall not break up in Jesus name.
Powers of darkness working to crash my marriage, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.
I command my husband to be separated from every demonic soul tie in the name of Jesus Christ.
Every demonic possession or obsession operating in the love life and emotions of my husband die now in Jesus name.
Lord, You said I and my husband are one, arise and deal with every power and strange woman coming between us in Jesus name.
My husband _________________ (mention his name) because we are one, you are part of me so I command you to return back to me fully in Jesus name.
Whatever diabolical means that has been used to trap you in this unholy and illicit affair, I command fire from heaven to consume them now in Jesus name.
Whatever this strange woman inserted in her lips and kissed you with that has trapped you, I command the yoke to be broken now in Jesus name.
Whatever this strange woman rubbed on her eyes that got you trapped I command their powers to be broken to pieces now in Jesus name.
Whatever this strange woman rubbed or inserted into her private part and had sex with you that has trapped you I command their powers to be broken now in Jesus name.
Whatever this strange woman has put in your food or water and you took it into your system I command the fire of God to purge your system now and deliver you in Jesus name.
Wherever evil altar or shrine she has take your name, picture, materials from you to that has gotten you trapped, I command the fire of God to consume them and deliver you now in Jesus name.
Whatsoever she rubbed on the seat or bed that my husband say or laid on that has trapped him, I command it to lose their power over his life now in Jesus name.
Every spiritual enchantment, incantation and divination she uses and is using to trap you, I command them to lose their power and backfire now in Jesus name.
Demonic arrows working against my marriage be destroyed now in Jesus name.
Father, like the sky is far away from the ground, separate my husband from this strange woman in Jesus name.
Father, sow a seed of hatred in their hearts for each other in Jesus name.
Everything in my foundation or my husband's foundation which the devil is using against our marriage, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.
Father, if it will take this strange woman losing her job or relocating from this town or state for my marriage to be restored, please do it for me in Jesus name.
Thank God cheerfully for answered prayers.
Fortune Ihunweze is a pastor, Christian teacher, author and counsellor with great passion for prayers. Email:
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