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And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth - Gen 1:28.

Fruitfulness and multiplication is part of God’s promises and mandate for human at creation. God blessed man with the inherent potential of fruitfulness and multiplication. God did not create you to fail in business or any other area of your life. Many businesses fail either because of the errors of the business owner, government policies or attacks from the kingdom of darkness. Businesses face attacks from the kingdom of darkness either directly or indirectly. Some of these attacks result in the closure of many businesses.

The moment a man accepts the lordship of Jesus Christ and submits to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, he become separated from the curse of failure and gets reconnected to the divine blessings of fruitfulness. The Holy Spirit gives the man illumination, inspiration and boldness which if used makes him exceptionally fruitful.

It has always been God’s desire to give His children the best things of life. He desires that they succeed and prosper in everything they do. This he declared severally in the scriptures. You shall be an exceptional success in business. Every attacker of your business shall fail.


1. Worship God cheerfully and intensely.

2. Thank God for His grace that has brought you this far.

3. Plead the Blood of Jesus over your life as you enter the sphere of spiritual warfare.

4. Father! I am not counting on who I am, what I have or what I know but I am holding unto Your grace in Christ for my riches. By the reason of the poverty of Christ Jesus, Lord, expand my business and financial coast in Jesus’ name (2 Cor. 8:9).

5. Father! You who caused an increase of the resources of the men of the old like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, please cause similar increases of my business and financial resources in Jesus’ name.

6. Father! Renew my heart and give me a heart that will always be willing to do the Kingdom business in Jesus’ name.

7. Father! Help me never to be a lover of money, but rather grant me the grace to always put money to Your kingdom business Jesus name.

8. Father! May I start to enjoy my Abrahamic covenant rights in my business in Jesus’ name.

9. Every seal of disfavour and rejection on my business I command you to catch fire now in Jesus’ name.

10. Everything that has hindered me from partaking of my covenant rights, Father take them away in Jesus’ name.

11. May the poverty of Christ work out the intended enrichment of my life in every area in Jesus’ name (2 Cor. 8:9).

12. Lord! Load me with money-making ideas and provide me with the resources and opportunities to utilize such ideas in Jesus’ name.

13. Lord! Teach me not to acquire liabilities that are not necessary to me in Jesus’ name.

14. Father! Teach me to invest my money and other resources wisely in Jesus’ name.

15. Father! Help me to develop the right business plan and to abide strictly to my business budgets in Jesus’ name.

16. Lord! Help me to always obey You in everything I do in Jesus’ name.

17. Father! Grant me the boldness to step out in faith as you reveal investment opportunities to me in Jesus’ name.

18. Father! Uphold me that I may not fail. In the event of a failure, Father, grant me the strength and grace to stand and start over again in Jesus’ name.

19. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I declare that my business shall not fail.

20. Father! Open the flood gate of heavens and let it rain financially over my business in Jesus’ name.

21. In the Name of Jesus, I overthrow every satanic sanction and embargo against my businesses.

22. I issue and exercise restraining orders over every strong man assigned to steal, kill and destroy my business in Jesus’ name.

23. Every strong man sitting on my progress, I command you to disappear now in Jesus’ name.

24. I deny every demonic agent on assignment, satanic operations, devices and points of contact access to my finances, property and opportunities for advancement in Jesus’ name.

25. I declare that divine goodness and mercy shall flow in my business all the days of my life in Jesus’ name.

26. I declare that any spirit, personality, human vessel, satanic device or curse that diverts customers and patronage shall be permanently denied access, be blinded and deafened to my business in Jesus’ name.

27. Father! Recover on my behalf all missed business opportunities, diverted wealth, lost investments, stolen money or goods in sevenfold in Jesus’ name.

28. Father! By Your mighty power destroy every evil yoke working against my business in Jesus’ name.

29. Father! Destroy every evil altar where my business name is taken in Jesus’ name.

30. Father! Destroy every witchcraft coven where my business is reported in Jesus’ name.

31. I arrest every satanic projections, spells and witchcraft activities against my business in Jesus’ name.

32. In the Name of Jesus, I overthrow satanic sanctions and embargoes against my business in Jesus’ name.

33. I declare that I am victorious over the plans of the devil against my business. My victory is permanent in Jesus’ name.

34. Father! Destroy everything buried in the ground, hung on a tree or thrown into the river to afflict my business in Jesus’ name. I command them to scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.

35. Any man/woman paying money or giving anything in exchange for the destruction of my business and finances, I command your plans to scatter now in Jesus’ name.

36. Every evil altar having any item connected to my business and using or intending to use it against my business, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.

37. I reject every accusation, disgrace, shame, reproach and sorrow designed for me in business in the mighty name of Jesus.

38. Father! Today bless my business and bless my business indeed in Jesus’ name.

39. Father! Supply every need of my business according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus in Jesus’ name (Php. 4:19).

40. Father! Send down showers of Your blessings on my business in Jesus’ name.

41. Father! Like You turned around the plans of Laban to cheat Jacob and used it to bless him, turn around every plan by anyone to cheat me in business and make it a blessing for me in Jesus’ name.

42. By the Blood of Jesus, I nullify every evil occurrence planned against my business in Jesus’ name.

43. Father! Release divine favour on my business in Jesus’ name.

44. I declare that every ordinance and judgment issued against my business in the realms of the spirit be overturned now in Jesus’ name.

45. I declare that every ordinance and judgment issued against my staff or business partner(s) that is affecting my business in the realms of the spirit be overturned now in Jesus’ name.

46. I declare with my mouth that my business is into unimaginable success and excellence. My business shall be known internationally in Jesus’ name.

47. I declare that divine timing, strategic business relationships, open doors and favour in high places shall manifest continually in my business in Jesus’ name.

48. I declare with my mouth that my business shall outlive me. My children and my children’s children shall inherit my business in Jesus’ name. They will not inherit it in bankruptcy but in good business health in Jesus’ name.

49. Father! I thank You for answered for answered prayers.

God shall answer your prayers speedily in Jesus name.



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