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Prayer for The Month Of September 2023 - Season Of Overflowing Testimonies

As you commence another month of glorious divine encounters with Jehovah Elshaddai, lines shall fall for you in pleasant places  and you shall know no lack. Beloved, if you are willing to hold unto God in prayers in this season, then God is ready to open the heavens over your life and shower you with blessings like never before.

Remember dear friend that God is faithful, and His promises are true. He is the God of more than enough, and He delights in blessing His children. So, as you pray these powerful prayers, hold on to His Word, knowing that He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). May you experience “overflowing testimonies” throughout this month, through the transformational power of prayer in Jesus name.

The Prayer Points...

Father Lord, I worship and adore You for you are worthy to be praised.

Oh Lord God, I thank You for Your faithfulness, goodness and mercies for the past 8 months of this year.

Lord God, I am thanking You in advance for I know that You will take care of everything that concerns me in September.

Father Lord, release anointing for increase upon my destiny this September in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, release Your angelic army to war and work for me every day of September 2023 in Jesus name.

Oh month of September, the first of the “ember” months, I command you t bring me great blessings in Jesus name.

In the month of September 2023, the land must yield increase for me in Jesus name.

Oh month of September, you shall be my month of harvest for every effort and resources I have invested this year in Jesus name.

Oh Lord God, please release on me the wisdom I need to make great progress in the month of September in Jesus name.

Oh September, you are the ninth month of the year. I therefore demand nine-fold open doors, nine-fold lifting, nine-fold testimony and nine-fold victory in September 2023 in Jesus name.

Helpers of destiny assigned to my destiny for the month of September, I command you to locate me speedily in Jesus name.

Miracle-connectors assigned to my destiny for the month of September, I command you to locate me speedily in Jesus name.

Doors shut against me that have refused to open before now, in this September I command you to open by fire in Jesus name.

Every strongman that has taken and is keeping that which belongs to me, release now by fire in Jesus name. 

Evil demonic spiritual elders at the gate of the month of September, you cannot stop my progress. Disappear now by fire in Jesus name.

Powers that stop people in September, I overcome you now in Jesus name.

My delayed testimony, what are your waiting for, you must happen this September in Jesus name.

I refuse to answer the call of the grave. In the month of September 2023, I shall not die in Jesus name.

No member of my family will answer the call of the grave this month or in the remaining days of the tear in Jesus name.

Powers that cause people to lose their jobs in September, you shall not stop me. I shall not lose my job this September in Jesus name.

Powers that close businesses and sources of income in September, you shall not see my business or sources of income this September in Jesus name.

Occultic powers raising altars against my destiny for the month of September 2023, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

By the Blood of Jesus Christ, I neutralize every incantation, divination and enchantment targeted at me in the month of September 2023 in Jesus name.

Oh earth, I command you to reject every libation and sacrifice made upon you against my life and destiny in the month of September 2023 in Jesus name (Numbers 16:34).

 Oh earth, open your mouth and swallow any man that is bent on taking my life in September 2023 in Jesus name.

Every carried-over battle from the pit of hell against my life, I neutralize you now and forever in Jesus name.

I declare that in the month of September 2023, I and blessed beyond curse in Jesus name.

Every covenant of death in my family in the month of September, I nullify it now in Jesus name.

I nullify every accident, mishap, disaster and affliction programmed for my family by demonic forces in Jesus name.

I cover every grave dug in the spirit real for any member of my family in Jesus name.

Any personality (spiritual or human) digging pits for me in the month of September, you shall fall into your pits in Jesus name (Psalm 7:15).

I shall not lose my mental, physical or spiritual strength in the month of September in Jesus name (Isaiah 40:28-31).

Demonic devourers seeking my soul, you shall fail in Jesus name (Malachi 3:11, 1 Peter 5:8).

Every dragon positioned to devour fruit of my labour in September 2023, be consumed now by fire in Jesus name (Revelation 12:4).

Every strange fire (spiritual o physical) programmed to consume the source of my income, scatter no my fire in Jesus name (Zechariah 11:1, Nahum 3:13).

Every dragon positioned to devour members of my family in September 2023, be consumed now by fire in Jesus name (Revelation 12:4, Ezekiel 36:14, Jeremiah 30:16).

Every demonic veil trapping my blessings, catch fire now in Jesus name.

Father Lord, in the month of September, send Your fire into the headquarters of every unrepentant demonic enemies of my soul in Jesus name (Amos1:4-12).

Every mountain positioned to stop me in the remaining days of this year scatter now by fire in Jesus name Zechariah 4:7


These prayer points were prayerfully written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze.

For prayers and counselling, reach him via WhatsApp on:

You can get more Pastor Fortune’s prayer and Christian resources from:


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