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THEME: Oh Lord! Cause The Earth Favour Me

Bible text: Genesis 1:10-12, 24-30,


Worship God intensely

Oh Lord I worship You in Your glory and majesty today. Be eternally glorified in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, I appreciate You for creating and blessing the earth for my good in Jesus name.

Oh earth! You are created to bless and bring me increase. In this month, I command you to yield bountiful increase for me in Jesus name.

Oh earth! I command you this day, open the fountains of every abundance in you unto me in Jesus name.

Oh Lord God, release on me the anointing to maximize the wealthy endowment of this earth in Jesus name.

Every voice of death calling my name from within the earth, catch fire now in Jesus name.

Powers using the earth to oppose my progress, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

Oh earth! I command you this day, reject every evil sacrifice, libation, divination, and curses pronounced over you against my destiny in Jesus name.

Every wickedness upon the earth against my life, scatter now by fire in Jesus name. Gen. 6:5

Blood of Jesus, separate me from the power and influence of every spirit of scarcity released over the earth in Jesus name.

Heavenly Father, I pray for an abundant increase in the yield of every work I am doing on earth, as You promised in Psalm 67:6.

Lord, let the earth bring forth its fruit abundantly for me, according to Your will as stated in Genesis 1:11.

I declare that in this month, the fields will yield their harvest unto me, as proclaimed in Leviticus 26:4.

Oh Lord, cause my labour in the fields be blessed with increase, in accordance with Deuteronomy 28:4.

Father, grant me wisdom and knowledge to always invest rightly and wisely here on earth effectively in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, I pray for favourable weather conditions that will favour a bountiful harvest in my last fe in thisonth  in Jesus name.

I rebuke any form of drought, scarcity or famine. Lord, I invoke Your promise of divine provision in Psalm 34:10 upon my life in this month in Jesus name.

I ask for multiplication upon my seeds sown (investment), reflecting Your principle in 2 Corinthians 9:10 in Jesus name.

Lord, I thank You in advance for the abundance of food You are providing for me in this month  in Jesus name.

 Let the earth bring forth its increase, filling my barns and storehouses, in agreement with Proverbs 3:9-10 in Jesus name.

We pray for restoration of depleted soils and rejuvenation of barren lands, as promised in Ezekiel 36:30.

Father, open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings upon my land, in accordance with Malachi 3:10 in Jesus name.

Lord, grant me a harvest of joy and thanksgiving, reflecting Your goodness, as seen in Psalm 126:5-6 in Jesus name.

I declare that my fields will be fruitful and my labour not in vain in Jesus name.

Lord, help us to utilize resources wisely and prevent wastage in this month in Jesus name.

Lord, break the cycle of poverty and hunger in my life in Jesus name.

Heavenly Father, bless agricultural research and innovation to enhance yields sustainably, in line with Proverbs 8:12-14.

Oh Lord, let nations of the earth come together in cooperation to favour me this month in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, transform every barren land in my life into fruitful fields in Jesus name.

I declare restoration and healing over over every of my financial estate damaged by the forces of darkness in Jesus name.

 Oh Lord, cause every political and administrative decision of government to favour me this month in Jesus name.




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