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22 "Oh Earth Open And Swallow" Prayer - Warfare Prayer

Number 16:31-33

31  And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them:

 32  And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.

 33  They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.

Our God can use anything and everything to fight the battle of His children . When enemies and swallow up everyone who opposed Moses.


Thank You Lord Who uses everything and situation to fight the battles of Your children.

Thank You Lord because I know You will fight for me once more

Oh Lord, show me mercy in every area I have sinned against You in Jesus name.

Father Lord, as I enter the realm of spiritual warfare, anoint my tongue with power and fire in Jesus name.

Oh Earth open and swallow every opposition to divine breakthrough in my life in Jesus name.

Oh earth, hear my voice, open and swallow every power that has vowed to take me down to the grave before my time in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow every destructive curse and pronouncement made over my destiny in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow every arrow of shame and disgrace targeted at me in Jesus name.

Oh you powers of darkness that has made my destiny your business be swallowed now by the earth in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow every arrow of sickness fire at me in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow every power sitting on my promotion in Jesus name.

Everyone that walks on the earth that has vowed to destroy me, be swallowed now by the earth in Jesus name.

Oh earth open, swallow and destroy incantations, divination and sacrifices performed upon you against my life in Jesus name.

Oh Lord God, visit the camps of the enemies of my destiny with destructive earthquake in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow every strategy and strategic plan of the enemy against me in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow failure and lack in my life in Jesus name.

Oh earth, you have the blessing of God to yield increase, I command you now, yield increase to me in Jesus name.

Oh earth, open and swallow everything in my life that is not planted by God in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow everything destructive unfriendly friend that has vowed to take me down in Jesus name.

Wherever men are gathered to unrepentantly discuss my downfall, oh earth open and swallow them and their plans in Jesus name.

Oh earth open and swallow every arrow of madness and mental illness targeted at me or any member of my family in Jesus name.

Thank You Lord for answering my prayers in Jesus name.


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