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2023 Prophecy: Pastor Olukoya Releases 30 Prophecies

The founder and General Overseer of Mountain and Fire and Miracles Ministries, Pastor Daniel  Olukoya has released an 30-point prophecy for 2023. Preaching during the annual crossover service of the church, the pastor encouraged Nigerians to be prayerful and vigilant in 2023, adding that God will deal with the wicked and corrupt leaders. The man of God tagged 2023 the ‘Year of Death and Resurrection.’  He said God would dismantle every Satanic and evil stronghold in 2023. Here are details of Pastor Olukoya's prophecies: 1. This is a year to wage a very serious war against the spirit of procrastination. 2. It is a year when the flesh must be mortified if you want to avoid trouble. 3. It is going to be a year of recovery and turnaround restoration to so many people. 4. It is a year when God will humble the proud. 5. It is a year when serious prayers against violent revolutions and overthrows are required. 6. It is a year of strange war against your attention; avoid distractions. 7. W

2023 Prophecy: Pastor Oyedepo Releases Prophecy For The Year

The Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, popularly known as Winner Chapel has released his prophecies for 2023. In the prophecies, he said there will be an army of giants like the world has never known. Here are detail of the prophecies: 1. The year 2023 shall be a year of wildfire spiritual awakening in our midst, where every Winner shall be walking in the fear of God as a new way of life, thereby attracting multitudes to Christ and this church. 2. The year 2023 shall be a year of the outbreak of light that will lead to a supernatural change of story for us as individuals. 3. There shall be a new dimension of explosive church growth in the year 2023 above all that we ever heard or experienced as a commission till date. 4. There shall be the rise of an army of giants, the kind the world has never known from our midst in 2023, the darkness and gloominess hovering over the world notwithstanding. 5. There shall be a rise of global solution providers among us in the year 2023. 6. There

2023 Prophecy: Pastor Enenche Releases Prophecy

The Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Center, Pastor Paul Enenche has relased his prophecy for 2023. He spoke during the crossover service of the church at the church's headquarters, Glory Dome, Abuja. The man of God declared that light has come to the nation of Nigeria. He said the glory of God would be restored to thecountry and in the lives of church members in the new year. He further said, “Light is in your hands, I prophesy a light explosion! Every trace of the power of darkness around your life, family and our nation, I declare that they are buried by Light! “Step into your season of honour, dignity and distinction, Nigeria! Step in! Unusual, stupendous and supernatural supplies! Royalties, kings and nobles, they shall look for you! And they shall submit! And for you, your tenure on the ground floor has expired!" “2023! Light has come! To Nigeria! To your family! To my family”!


The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E. A. Adeboye has given his prophecy for 2023 during the Crossover Service of the church which held at the Redemption Camp. His prophecy: World Weather will be more erratic. The world will be relatively more peaceful. Individual For some people your biggest challenge in 2022 will lead to your biggest testimony in 2023. God will speak peace to some troubled homes. For quite a few people there will be restoration of lost glory. Many trouble makers will lose the ability to make trouble. Quite a few balloons will be deflated this year. There will be a bit of wealth transfer.


  From Grass To Grace He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.  – Psalm 113:7-8 This is the class of people I desire to belong to in 2023. Those who will move from a zero level to a hero level. Men who by the power of the grace of God will move from the valley of nothingness to become men of honour and value. Men who God will move from obscurity to popularity. Men who God will promote even in the face of fierce contestations from both spiritual and physical powers that be. They are men in whose life the grace of God will silence every voice asking for their demotion no matter how strong their reasons might be. They are people whose time have come to be divinely lifted and God is not allowing any opposition stop them. You are destined to be in this category of people in 2023. I say it again, you are destined to be among those who will strategically and speedily move up the la


  Stagnated Lives In 2023, they are men who will neither record much depreciation nor reasonable progress. They come under the category of those whose progress will be stagnated throughout the year. It does not matter the efforts they put in, thing will not change. They work so hard but the story remains the same. At some point, they will come quite close to what would have been a life-transforming breakthrough but something goes wrong somewhere, and they are come back to level zero.  Nobody likes a stagnated life. Micah 7:8 says, “rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me”. God will not allow men laugh at you because of a stagnated life in 2023. He will change your story for good to the shame of your mockers. Every proposed “near-success syndrome” for your life in 2023 is cancelled now in Jesus’ name. Men who are waiting to laugh at you because of a stagnated life will wait forever in Jesus’ name.  Praye


Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven. -  Proverbs 23:5  In 2023, there are three classes of movement men will make. First, there are those who will move from grace to grass. There are those who progress will be stagnated and there are others who will go from grass to grace. In this three-series articles, will talk about these three classes of people and recommend prayers to get the best out of this year in the light of the subject matter. From Grace To Grass These are people who had a good life in the previous year(s). They were rich, healthy and powerful in the society but for some reasons which they can or cannot explain, their story will change for worse. Their lives will come under the attack of the demonic wasting east wind and the rest will be story. Yes, the east wind will come and bring down men (Genesis 41:6,23, Exodus 10:13-14, Ezekiel 17:10). It was such a year for Job when the d