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Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.Proverbs 23:5 

In 2023, there are three classes of movement men will make. First, there are those who will move from grace to grass. There are those who progress will be stagnated and there are others who will go from grass to grace. In this three-series articles, will talk about these three classes of people and recommend prayers to get the best out of this year in the light of the subject matter.

From Grace To Grass
These are people who had a good life in the previous year(s). They were rich, healthy and powerful in the society but for some reasons which they can or cannot explain, their story will change for worse. Their lives will come under the attack of the demonic wasting east wind and the rest will be story. Yes, the east wind will come and bring down men (Genesis 41:6,23, Exodus 10:13-14, Ezekiel 17:10). It was such a year for Job when the devil attacked him aggressively and took away everything he worked for. The once stupendously rich man became so wretched that he could barely eat. Thank God who spared his soul from those furious attacks and never allowed the enemy to kill him.

Through prayers, you can rebuke the wasting east wind preparing for attacks against you in the 2023. Beloved, I pray for you, God will protect you and all that belongs to you from wasters waiting to ravage your life in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer Points

  1. Father Lord, I thank you for year 2023. I thank you for your glorious plans for my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.
  2. I declare that in year 2023, I will not move from grace to grass in Jesus’ name.
  3. Every evil power designated to empty me in 2023, I disarm you now completely in Jesus’ name.
  4. Wasting east-wind waiting to attack me in 2023 scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  5. Every evil altar sending evil wasting winds to my life and destiny, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  6. Wasters and devourers programmed for my life and destiny in 2023, I deny you access to my life in Jesus name.
  7. Every demonic priest performing sacrifices to bring me down financial and in every other area in 2023 lose your power and sense now in Jesus’ name.
  8. Progress-undertakers waiting to bury my progress in 2023, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  9. Valleys of failure dug for me in the spirit realm, I command you to be covered and levelled now in Jesus’ name.
  10. Father Lord, by Your mighty terror, pursue every power that will pursue me in 2023 in Jesus’ name.
  11. Powers that close sources of income, I command you to stay far away from my sources of income in Jesus’ name.
  12. Every demonic mouth that is opened to swallow my wealth, I command you to close now permanently in Jesus’ name.
  13. Every spiritual rat that created holes in people’s pocket disappear now and permanently from my life in Jesus’ name.
  14. Every plan from the pit of hell to use health challenges to drain my finances in year 2023, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  15. Every plan from the pit of hell to use health challenges of members of my family to drain my finances in year 2023, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  16. I command every gate of poverty which the enemy intends to open in my life to remain permanently locked in Jesus’ name.
  17. Oh Lord God, expose and disgrace every household enemy targeting to bring me down in 2023 in Jesus name.
  18. You strong man of my father’s or mother’s house that dealt with my parents and left them with nothing, you won’t succeed in my life. Be roasted now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  19. Father Lord, in 2023, do not allow me to get involved in any activity or business that will take away everything I have labour for in life in Jesus’ name.
  20. O Lord, withdraw my name from the list of those that will record mysterious losses in 2023 in in Jesus’ Name. 
  21. Father Lord, at the end of 2023, I refuse to return empty-handed like Naomi in Jesus’ name. 
  22. I reject all witchcraft-orchestrated losses in Jesus Name.
  23. Every spirit of purposeless expenditure in my life die permanently in Jesus’ name.
  24. In the Name of Jesus, I annul every evil pronouncement that says I will not have anything to show for all my labour in life, in the name of Jesus.
  25. Father Lord, by Your mighty terror, pursue every power that will pursue me in 2023 in Jesus’ name
  26. O Lord, send Your angelic army to fight the battle of my success in 2023 in Jesus’ name.
  27. Every cloud of shame hovering over my destiny, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  28. Every garment of disgrace sewn by the enemy and intended for me, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  29. Father Lord, disappoint those who are waiting to hear testimonies of disgrace and disaster in my life in Jesus’ name.
  30. In 2023, I shall not go down in Jesus’ name.
  31. Thank God for answered prayers.
You sure need this prayer Manual

Click here to get a copy

You can reach Pastor Fortune Ihunweze via Whatsapp on +2349092861450 


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