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Stagnated Lives

In 2023, they are men who will neither record much depreciation nor reasonable progress. They come under the category of those whose progress will be stagnated throughout the year. It does not matter the efforts they put in, thing will not change. They work so hard but the story remains the same. At some point, they will come quite close to what would have been a life-transforming breakthrough but something goes wrong somewhere, and they are come back to level zero. 

Nobody likes a stagnated life. Micah 7:8 says, “rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me”. God will not allow men laugh at you because of a stagnated life in 2023. He will change your story for good to the shame of your mockers. Every proposed “near-success syndrome” for your life in 2023 is cancelled now in Jesus’ name. Men who are waiting to laugh at you because of a stagnated life will wait forever in Jesus’ name. 

Prayer Points

  1. Father Lord, please forgive me of every sin responsible for stagnancy in my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.
  2. Every key of my progress in the hands of my enemies and powers of darkness, be released to me now in Jesus name.
  3. Every power that has locked the gates of progress against my destiny, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  4. Oh you gates of progress, I command you to open unto me now in Jesus’ name. 
  5. In the might name of Jesus Christ, I break every curse of rising and falling in my life.
  6. Father Lord, please end every unproductive effort in my life in Jesus’ name.
  7. Every family inherited near-success syndrome operating in my life, be consumed now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  8. You strong man of my father’s and mother’s house that dealt with my parents and left them with nothing, you won’t succeed in my life. Be consumed now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  9. Every power that has sworn that I will remain at this level forever, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  10. Every garment of stagnancy on my body, be consumed now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  11. “Near-success syndrome” demon(s) attached to my destiny, disappear now by fire and never surface again in Jesus’ name.
  12. Every cloud of disappointment and shame hovering over my destiny, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  13. O Lord my Father, in the year 2023, please deliver me from unprofitable labour in Jesus name.
  14. O Lord God, arise and reverse every spell of consistent failure prevailing in my life. Replace it with the spirit of progressive success in Jesus’ name.
  15. Every satanic power sitting on my career advancement, I withdraw your peace until you are unseated in the name of Jesus.
  16. Every tree of poverty and failure growing in my life, I cut you down now in Jesus name.
  17. For every delay, failure and past disappointment, Lord give me double success, in Jesus’ name.
  18. Father Lord, please don’t allow me return to point I started several years ago in Jesus Name.
  19. Angels of the living God, roll away the stones blocking my financial, physical and spiritual breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Every voice that encourages me to give up at the verge of my success, I command you to go permanently dumb now in Jesus’ name.
  21. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I separate myself permanently from the spirit of “always seeing it but never having it”. 
  22. Clouds of blessing, open over my destiny now by fire in the name of Jesus.
  23. O Lord, send your angelic helpers destined to help my success in Jesus’ name.
  24. O Lord, send your angelic army to fight the battle of my success in 2023 in Jesus’ name.
  25. Breakthrough manipulators working against my breakthroughs, perish now in the name of Jesus.
  26. Father Lord, disappoint those who are waiting to hear disgrace and disaster in my life in Jesus’ name.
  27. The testimony of “yet-another failure” will never be told of me in 2023 in Jesus’ name.
  28. Whether the devil likes it or not, a significant breakthrough will occur in my life in 2023 in Jesus’ name.
  29. Thank God for answered prayers.

You sure need this prayer Manual

Click here to get a copy

You can reach Pastor Fortune Ihunweze via Whatsapp on +2349092861450 


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