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For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him… – 2 Chronicles 16:9.

The Bible referred to men after God’s heart as people whose heart is perfect towards God. Little wonder they are few. You could imagine that in the whole nation of Israel only a little boy was certified by heaven as a man after God's heart. What does it mean to have a perfect heart towards God? 

In the words of Derek Prince, ―perfection toward God consists of a right attitude toward God and a right attitude toward evil. There is no neutrality in perfection toward God. You do not compromise with anything that is unpleasing to Him; you are absolutely committed to obedience—no matter what it costs. To have a perfect heart towards God means to have a heart that is blameless towards Him. Such a heart is one devoid of sin. It is a heart that has a right standing towards God and man. It is a heart that does not cheat on or steal from God.

In Exodus 20:1–3 we find another important requirement for having a heart that is perfect towards God. 

And God spoke all these words, saying, I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.

Such a heart is devoid of idols. Idolatry is never an option for a man after God’s heart. The question you should ask yourself if you sincerely want to win God’s heart is, “who is my God? Am I serving any other god(s) beside Jehovah, God Almighty?” You need to assure yourself that you have not given you spouse, family, business, job or properties the position of a god in your life.

A perfect heart towards God does not fail to praise and worship Him always. Even in the midst of very serious challenges, a perfect heart always recognises the supremacy and goodness of God and thus praises Him. A man with a perfect heart does not say good things about God when things are well with him and forsakes the same God when situations go bad. Men with perfect hearts are the Job-kind of believers who are determined to always stick close to God no matter the challenges that will arise.

A man whose heart is perfect towards God serves Him whole-heartedly. He does not wait to be compelled to work for God. He is not also selective in his obedience to God. The word and instructions of God give him joy even when they might be quite tasking to carry out. A perfect heart longs to be with God. It seeks constantly to commune and fellowship with God, to have sweet unbroken relationship with Him, to know Him, and to be with Him in holy intimacy. It does not just seek the things of God - the blessings, salvation, healing, miracles, gifts of the Spirit, etc., but wants God Himself. A man with a perfect heart desires God’s presence in His life. He desires a sweeter fellowship with God and is never tired of working to make the relationship better.

Concluding I must say that it takes a perfect heart to connect to and win God's heart.


 This blog belongs to Fortune Ihunweze, a pastor, Christian teacher, author and counsellor with great passion for Bible study and prayers. Email:

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