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BIBLE TEXT: Daniel 10:10-14
The Prince and Kings of Persia are spiritual powers that work tirelessly to truncate God’s purpose and destiny for you. They are forces that rule geographical territories in the spiritual realm. Everyone living in the territory where they rule is usually under their control except for Holy spirit-filled believers. These demonic spiritual powers aim at bringing the territories they superintend under spiritual bondage and suffering. No progress comes the way of anyone except they allow or are forced to allow it. Except persistent bondage-shattering prayers are rendered by any individual who desires a breakthrough, nothing positive happens in the life of the person

  1. Worship and praise God intensely in songs. (Remember your miracle begins with a good worship).
  2. Thank God for His power that is strong enough to destroy the powers of darkness working against your progress.
  3. Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over yourself as you enter the spiritual warfare prayer realm.
  4. Oh Lord God, anoint my tongue with fire as I begin to pray now in Jesus’ name.
  5. Every spiritual arrangement by the kingdom of darkness to stop my prayers and answers to my prayers scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name. 
  6. Every evil spiritual king giving wicked instructions and orders against my life and destiny, I command fire from heaven to roast you now in Jesus’ name.
  7. Father! Like You sent Your angel to fight for Daniel, send Your warrior angels to fight the battles of my life against forces of darkness in Jesus’ name.
  8. Father! According to Your word in Psalm 91:10-11, give Your angels charge over my life to always carry me so that I will not hit my feet against any demonic stone placed on my way by evil territorial powers fighting against my life in Jesus’ name.
  9. By the Blood of Jesus Christ, I overcome the evil spiritual kings and princes of my village/community (mention the name of your community) in Jesus’ name. - Revelation 12:11.
  10. By the Blood of Jesus Christ I overcome every evil and wicked spiritual kings and princes of this town (mention the name of the town you live in) fighting against my progress in Jesus’ name. - Revelation 12:11.
  11. Father! By Your thunder uproot every gate behind which the devil has kept everything he stole from me and release them to me now in Jesus’ name.
  12. I invade the storehouse of every spiritual king where my stolen blessings are kept and I overcome every strongman assigned to guard my stolen blessings in Jesus’ name.
  13. I take back everything that belongs to me that is in the warehouse of the devil now in Jesus’ name.
  14. Father! By Your thunder destroy every spiritual monitoring gadget of the forces of darkness which they are using to monitor my prayers in Jesus’ name.
  15. You evil spiritual kings and princes working against me, I command you to bow and submit all your weapons of warfare now in Jesus’ name.
  16. Every evil spiritual blanket spread over my life by the enemy which he is using to trap my blessing, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  17. Every evil power that has been trapping my prayers and answers to my prayers, catch fire now Jesus’ name.
  18. Covenant of hard labour with no results of my father’s house that has been following me about, be destroyed now in the name of Jesus.
  19. You powers that have ordered the land not to yield its increase to me contrary to the Word of God in Deuteronomy 28:4, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  20. I command this land to start yielding great increase to me now in Jesus’ name.
  21. Weapons of mass destruction deployed against me by the devil, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  22. Weapons of mental, emotional and psychological instability deployed against me, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.
  23. I command every arrow of territorial demons against my life to misfire now. Return and injure your senders now in Jesus’ name.
  24. I command every demonic file and document that has my name, particulars, CV or anything that belongs or has to do with me on the altars of territorial powers to catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  25. Every evil demonic principality monitoring angels on assignment in my life, I command fire of God to consume you now in Jesus’ name.
  26. In the mighty name of Jesus, I set on fire every monitoring gadget and system set up by the devil in my life in Jesus’ name.
  27. Every evil demonic principality fighting angels on assignment in my life, I command fire of God to consume you now in Jesus’ name.
  28. Every spiritual territorial prince fighting hard to frustrate the plan and purpose of God for my life, I declare that your hard work shall be in vain in Jesus’ name.
  29. Every evil spiritual prince eyeing my destiny, go blind now in Jesus’ name.
  30. Every person(s) in my life and family submitting my name to territorial powers and altars of wickedness receive the judgment of fire now in Jesus’ name. I command your evil works to come upon your head in Jesus’ name.
  31. Every person(s) in my life and family serving as an extension/agent of territorial powers fighting my life, receive fire now. I command your evil works to come upon your head in Jesus’ name.
  32. Every strongman redirecting my blessings to another person, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  33. Spiritual princes of my family lose your powers over my life now in Jesus’ name.
  34. Holy Ghost thunder strike and scatter every throne established by any territorial power in my life and home in Jesus’ name.
  35. Every evil gate of my father’s and mother’s house that opens the way for territorial demons and powers to operate in my life, I command you to close now in Jesus’ name - Psalm 24:7-10.
  36. Every everlasting door of my father’s and mother’s house that opens the way for territorial demons and powers to operate in my life I command you to close now in Jesus’ name – Psalm 24:7-10.
  37. Every evil bird, cat, dog, rat or any other animal spiritual or physical on a wicked assignment in my life fall now and die by fire in Jesus’ name.
  38. Operations and activities of territorial princes and kings in my life, you are permanently suspended now in Jesus’ name.
  39. Foundations of demonic torment in my life and family, be uprooted now permanently in Jesus’ name.
  40. Thank God for answered prayers.
This publication is posted by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. For counseling and prayers, reach him via:
Call or WhatsApp: +2349092851450. E-mail:


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