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If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? - Psalm 11:3

The foundation of a building though is usually hidden away from sight, is the most important part of the building. First, it is the starting point of the building and secondly it bears the weight of the building. So if something goes wrong with the foundation, the entire building is at great risk.

Beloved, everything in life including human life has a foundation. We all have generational foundation, which are inherited spiritual traits. These compose of blessings, curses, yokes, demonic oppressions that run in the family. Fortunately, the moment we become born again, we spiritually switch family and become members of God’s family (John 1:12). But this does not always continue because so many Christians keep falling and rising, and each fall reactivates foundation generated curses, yokes and demonic oppression.

It is therefore needful that we do all to ensure that we are always faithfully standing in our faith. We need to pray always for our foundation, regularly clearing every re-enacted foundational curses and yokes.

If the foundation be destroyed, the righteous can pray and have it repair. No foundational fault is irreparable by God. May He deliver you out of every foundation powered problems you are facing in Jesus name.


  1. Thank God for His grace and mighty power that is strong enough to intervene in your case.
  2. Confess your sins and ask God for forgiveness.
  3. I plead the Blood of Jesus over any sin committed by my parents and ancestors that has been influencing my destiny negatively in Jesus’ name.
  4. In Jesus’ mighty name I activate the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ in my life and foundation now.
  5. I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus’ name.
  6. Father! Tonight settle my case permanently in Jesus’ mighty name.
  7. Father! Jacob received his turn-around in a night encounter. May I receive my turn-around tonight in Jesus’ name.
  8. Blood of Jesus Christ, separate me from the sins of my family in Jesus’ name.
  9. Father, destroy every wrong foundation in my life and rebuild it with Your own foundation in Jesus’ name.
  10. Father! By Your mighty power with which You sustain the sun, stars, moon and rainbow in the firmament, sustain and defend me from destroyers in Jesus’ name.
  11. I release myself from every family inherited limitations and bondages in Jesus’ name.
  12. Father! By the Blood of Jesus Christ flush out every inherited sickness and spiritual challenges from my body in Jesus’ name.
  13. I break myself away from all family inherited curses and their consequences in Jesus’ name.
  14. I break myself away from the power of every inherited evil covenant in Jesus’ name.
  15. Father! Uproot everything You have not planted in my life in Jesus’ name.
  16. Every foundational strongman attached to my life working to destroy my life be paralyzed now in Jesus’ name.
  17. Every name given to me by my family members that is affecting my life, I reject you and cancel your consequences now in Jesus’ name.
  18. I cancel the consequences of every evil dedication to any deity in Jesus’ name.
  19. By the Blood of Jesus Christ I overrule every evil judgment over my life originating from my foundation in Jesus’ name.
  20. I renounce every evil dedication on my life in Jesus’ name.
  21. By the Blood of Jesus Christ, I neutralize the power of every incision and marks on my body bearing evil spiritual powers and working against me in Jesus’ name.
  22. I cancel the consequence of every demonic incision on my body in Jesus’ name.
  23. I cancel the consequences of unbiblical conception in Jesus’ name. Father in any way my conception in my mother’s womb is ungodly, redeem me now by the Blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.
  24. I break out of the consequence of every parental curse in Jesus’ name.
  25. I cancel the consequence of celebrating local festivals and masquerades in Jesus’ name.
  26. I cancel the consequence of worshipping family idols in Jesus’ name.
  27. I cancel the consequence of visit(s) I made to any native doctor and demonic spiritual consultants in Jesus’ name.
  28. I cancel the consequence of visit(s) made on my behalf to any native doctor and demonic spiritual consultants in Jesus’ name.
  29. I command every evil plantation in my foundation to be destroyed now by fire in Jesus’ name.
  30. I command every evil gate opened in my life by my foundation to close now in Jesus’ name.
  31. Every everlasting door of my father’s and mother’s house that opens the way for forces of darkness to operate in my life I command you now to close permanently in Jesus’ name – Psa. 24:7-10.
  32. Every everlasting door in my lineage that has shut me out of breakthroughs and success catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  33. Every everlasting door in my lineage that has opened the way for evil attacks and occurrences in my life and family I command you to close permanently in Jesus’ name.
  34. Every ancient man/woman afflicting my family lineage, receive fire now in Jesus’ name.
  35. Evil spiritual elder at my family gate that is not allowing me to make progress, release every of my inheritance and scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name (Jos. 20:4).
  36. Demonic altars in my father’s house receive destruction by fire now in Jesus’ name.
  37. I tread and trample under my feet every spiritual scorpion, serpent, adder and lion at the foundations of my life opposing my advancement in Jesus’ name (Psa 91:13, Luk. 10:19).
  38. Lord walk back into my past and the past of my family lineage and deliver me where I need deliverance in Jesus’ name.
  39. Lord walk forward every second into my future and help me where I need help, heal me where I need healing and promote me where I need promotion in Jesus’ name.
  40. Father! Remove from my life every label of lack of progress placed on me by my foundation in Jesus’ name.
  41. Arise O Lord! Stretch out Your mighty hand and deliver me from horrible pits and miry clays of life in Jesus’ name (Psa. 40:2).
  42. Father! Transform my life and make it the beauty of Your glory in Jesus’ name.
  43. Father! I thank you immensely for answered prayers.
  44. Father! I thank you for the victories You just won for me.
  45. Thank God cheerfully in faith and with songs of praise for answered prayers.

This post is published by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. For counselling and prayers, reach him via: 
Call or WhatsApp: +234 9092851450. Email:

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