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Showing posts from May, 2022


BIBLE TEXT :  And she arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me, while thine handmaid slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom. - 1 Kings  3:20 THE DECLARATION Every power planning to steal the glory of my destiny tonight while I'm asleep, you must fail in Jesus name. Powers planning to ambush my health tonight while I'm asleep, you shall fail in Jesus name. No agent of darkness will come near my dwelling in Jesus name.  Powers aiming to steal the peace and joy of God in my life while I'm asleep tonight, you shall fail in Jesus name. I reject every demonic dream tonight in Jesus name. I am far separated from forces that kill in the dream in Jesus name.  As I shut my doors and windows tonight, I retract into the divine arms of the Almighty in Jesus name. The name of the Almighty is my strong tower and in His shall be secured tonight. The moon shall not smite me tonight. Nocturnal powers positioned against me tonight, you shall fail in Jesu


BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 18:14, Jeremiah 32:27, 1 Samuel 1:9-13 Our God has the power to reverse every trend of delays in the lives of His children. Remember He is the Almighty. Nothing is impossible for Him. No situation is too difficult to Him. No mountain is insurmountable with Him. I pray He answers you speedily as you pray for today in Jesus name. Delays are terminated in your life in Jesus name. PRAYER POINTS  Worship and praise God intensely in songs. (Remember your miracle begins with a good worship). Father! Please forgive me any sin hindering my breakthrough. In any way that I have been the cause of delayed breakthroughs in my life, Lord please show me mercy in Jesus’ name. I plead the Blood of Jesus over any sins committed by my parents and ancestors that have been influencing my destiny negatively and affecting my breakthroughs in Jesus’ name. Thank God for His power that is strong enough to destroy the powers of darkness working against your progress. Plead the Blood of Jesus C


BIBLE TEXT: Colossians  2:13-14 "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" P R A Y E R Worship praise and thank God for today. Ask God for the forgiveness of your sins. O God, arise and frustrate every sorcerer and diviner assigned to terminate my destiny in the name of Jesus. Every  covenant of failure over my life break now in Jesus’ name. I decree a divine reversal of all satanic transactions that have taken place to devalue my life in Jesus’ name. I declare that every wicked ordinance and judgment issued against my destiny in the realms of the spirit be overturned now in Jesus’ name. Father! According to Your word in Isaiah 44:25, baptize every man making divination over my life with madness in Jesus’ name. Father! according to You

Three Benefits Of Persistent Prayer

  Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him . - Acts  12:5 Hello beloved child of God. Have you been wondering why you should continue in prayers even when it seems as though your prayers are not been answered. Praying continually concerning an issue is one clear way to tell God that you are fully dependent on Him. You are kind of telling Him, "I have no where or anyone else to turn to on this matter. You just have to do something. You are telling God that you are hopeless without Him. The Bible in Acts 12:1-12 said the church prayed for Apostle Peter without ceasing. They kept reminding God that His servant Peter needs to be delivered from the prison. I don't know how long they persisted in prayers but I suspect they kept the prayer fire burning till Peter was released. We will see another story of the testimony that comes from persistent prayers in Daniel 10. The Bible says Daniel prayed and fasted for twenty-one d


  When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them. - Psalms  126:1-2 In my previous post Captivity of Zion (Part 1), I emphazied the fact that even Christians are not exempted from captivity. One very important question that will help keep believers out of demonic captivity would be to know how a believer gets into captivity. What reason(s) can lead to captivity in someone's life? CAUSES OF CAPTIVITY 1. CURSES FROM ONE'S SIN People, even believers can come under satanic captivity as a consequence of their sins. The Bible said, "the wages of sin is death..." (Romans 6:23). So, there is a curse of death hanging over the life of anyone who commits sin. The devil will capitalize on this to torment and frustrate such person at will until he or she reconciles with Jesus Christ through genuine repent


  Our dreams oftentimes are means through which we receive revelations from God (Genesis 20:3-7; 28:12; 31:10; 37:7-10, Matthew 2:12). There are also situations where the devil has used the instrument of dreams as a weapon in attacking people. Revelations from dreams should be taken very seriously because that might be the only way you will stop a revealed calamity from happening. In Genesis 40:1-23, Pharaoh's  chief baker had a dream, he got the interpretation but never prayed about it. Three days later as revealed in the dream, he was executed. Beloved, stop toying and ignoring your dreams. THE PRAYERS 1. My God and creator, thank You for the sleep I had last night in Jesus name. 2. I pass everyone, place, situations or things I saw in my dream last night through thw blood of Jesus Christ and I neutralize them now in Jesus name. 3. I cancel the effect of any bad dream I had last night in Jesus name. 4. In the spirit realm, I neutralize any evil manifestation of my dreams in Jesus