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BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 18:14, Jeremiah 32:27, 1 Samuel 1:9-13

Our God has the power to reverse every trend of delays in the lives of His children. Remember He is the Almighty. Nothing is impossible for Him. No situation is too difficult to Him. No mountain is insurmountable with Him.

I pray He answers you speedily as you pray for today in Jesus name. Delays are terminated in your life in Jesus name.


 Worship and praise God intensely in songs. (Remember your miracle begins with a good worship).

Father! Please forgive me any sin hindering my breakthrough. In any way that I have been the cause of delayed breakthroughs in my life, Lord please show me mercy in Jesus’ name.

I plead the Blood of Jesus over any sins committed by my parents and ancestors that have been influencing my destiny negatively and affecting my breakthroughs in Jesus’ name.

Thank God for His power that is strong enough to destroy the powers of darkness working against your progress.

Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over yourself as you enter the spiritual warfare prayer realm.

Oh Lord God, anoint my tongue with fire as I begin to pray now in Jesus’ name.

Father! In Your grace and mercy, release to me every of my overdue miracle in Jesus’ name.

Father! Give me a miracle whose testimony will travel far and wide in Jesus’ name.

Breakthrough delaying spirits and territorial powers attached to my life scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.

Powers that have been diverting my breakthroughs, I command you, disappear from my life permanently in Jesus’ name.

Wherever my breakthrough connectors are, Lord God please send them to me now in Jesus’ name.

Every door of breakthrough closed against me by forces of darkness, I command you to open by force now in Jesus’ name.

My backlog of breakthroughs and miracles, wherever you are, locate me now in Jesus’ name.

I refuse to enjoy tomorrow, what I should enjoy today in Jesus’ name.

Breakthroughs destined for me today locate me now in Jesus’ name.

I refuse to enjoy next week, what I should enjoy this week in Jesus’ name.

 Breakthroughs destined for me this week locate me now in Jesus’ name.

I refuse to enjoy next month, what I should enjoy this month in Jesus’ name.

 Breakthroughs destined for me this month locate me now in Jesus’ name.

I refuse to enjoy next year, what I should enjoy this year in Jesus’ name.

 Breakthroughs destined for me this year locate me now in Jesus’ name.

I paralyze all forces behind my delayed breakthroughs and miracles, in the name of Jesus.

Every power working to abort my testimony and miracles, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.

Every spiritual palmerworm, cankerworm, caterpillar and locust released by the enemy to attack my breakthroughs die now by fire in Jesus’ name (Joel 2:25).

I reject the spirit of progress and success at the speed of a snail in Jesus’ name.

Every covenant of tortoise-speed success in my life I command you to break into pieces now in Jesus’ name.

I move into the fast lane of success in Jesus’ name. My breakthrough I command you to come speedily in Jesus’ name.

My delayed miracles begin to manifest now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Satanic delays at the edge of my breakthrough disappear now in Jesus’ name.

Blessings and favour from unexpected quarters, locate me now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil arrow of delay fired into my star, die now in the name of Jesus.

Every arrow of backwardness fired into my star, come out and die now in the name of Jesus.

Wherever anything from my body (used clothes, underwear, pubic hair, sand from under my feet, my used handkerchiefs, menstrual pad, sweat, etc) has been taken to in order to delay my breakthroughs, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.

I command the fire of God to destroy every charm prepared against my life now in Jesus’ name.

Every spiritual chain of stagnation on my hands, legs, waist and neck, break now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Every spiritual chain of stagnation on my brain and mind system, break now by fire in the name of Jesus.

Chain of delay, holding my star, break now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Delay tactics, organized against my breakthrough, scatter now by fire in the name of Jesus.

Every delay programmed to tie me down, scatter now by fire in the name of Jesus

Every arrow of disappointment designed to cause me delays, scatter now by fire in the name of Jesus.

Every arrow of shame, targeted at my life, backfire now in the name of Jesus.

Every power commissioned to make me rise and fall, scatter now by fire in the name of Jesus.

Every power of my father’s and mother’s house, delaying my breakthroughs, die in the name of Jesus.

Altars of wickedness responsible for delays in my life scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.

Curses and covenants of satanic delays instituted in my life, disappear now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Cloud of darkness around my breakthroughs, scatter now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Satanic decree of backwardness made over my picture or anything representing me, I nullify you now in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that failure and calamity shall not be my identity in the name of Jesus.

Power of stagnation operating against my life, disappear now in the name of Jesus.

Every padlock holding down my progress, break now in the name of Jesus.

Oh Lord, convert my delay to speedy success in the name of Jesus. 

By the Blood of Jesus, I cancel any satanic covenants, agreements, exchanges, vows or transactions made over my life, body, spirit soul and circumstances in Jesus’ name.

Thank God immensely for answering your prayers.


These prayer points were prayerfully written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. For prayers and counselling, reach to: +238080820671 via Whatsapp.

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