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Showing posts from March, 2023


  Are you ready to make 2023 your year? If you're looking for a powerful way to overcome spiritual powers and challenges that are all out to stop you this year, then you need to get your hands on " Taking Over 2023 Through Prayers ", the must-have ebook for anyone who wants to make the most of the coming year. This ebook is packed with powerful prayers and inspiring insights that will help you connect with God's power and wisdom. Whether you're facing challenges at work, in your personal life, or in your spiritual journey, " Taking Over 2023 Through Prayers " will equip you with the spiritual tools you need to overcome obstacles, stay focused, and achieve your dreams through prayers. This ebook is written by a renowned Christian author with years of experience in prayer and spiritual warfare. It is filled with practical tips and strategies for praying effectively, including guidance on how to pray with faith, persistence, and expectation. You'll lear

41 Prayer Points For The Month Of April 2023

As the month of April approaches, it is a great time to dedicate yourself to prayer and draw closer to God. Prayer is a powerful tool that enables us to communicate with our heavenly Father and seek His guidance, provision, and protection. Here are 41 prayer points against powers that cause failure, along with relevant Bible references for the month of April 2023.  I strongly encourage you to fast as you pray these prayers or use them for midnight prayers. The Prayer Points #1. Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, asking You to destroy every power that is working against my success and causing failure in my life. (Psalm 34:17) #2. Lord, I ask that You break every curse of failure that has been spoken against me or my family, and replace it with a blessing of success. (Deuteronomy 28:8) #3. Father, please expose and bring to naught every evil scheme and plan of the enemy to bring failure in my life. (Isaiah 54:17) #4. I declare that I am more than a conqueror thro

Bible Proofs That Jesus Was Crucified

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a fundamental belief of Christianity. It is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, and the death of Jesus on the cross is considered to be the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. However, there are those who question whether Jesus really died on the cross. In this article, we will explore this question through the lens of the Bible and examine the evidence for the death of Jesus on the cross. The Gospel accounts of the crucifixion of Jesus The death of Jesus on the cross is described in detail in the four Gospels of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These accounts describe how Jesus was arrested, tried, and sentenced to death by crucifixion. They detail how Jesus was beaten, mocked, and forced to carry his own cross to the place of execution. They describe how Jesus was then nailed to the cross and left to die. One of the most detailed accounts of the crucifixion is found in the Gospel of John. In chapter 19, verses 16-18

This One Prayer Changed My Life

  Prayer has always been a significant part of my Christian faith. I grew up hearing stories about how prayer had changed people's lives, and I had always hoped to experience something similar. Little did I know that one prayer would have such a profound impact on my life. I was going through a difficult season of my life where I felt lost and hopeless. I had lost my job, I couldn't take care of my family responsibilities, and I was almost sliding into  depression. I felt like I had hit rock bottom, and I didn't know how to get back up. One day, I decided I need pray deeper and differently. So I contacted a Christian neighbour and explained issues to him. He offered to help pray along with me. I remember crying out to God that night, asking Him to take control of my life and to guide me through this difficult season. I asked Him to give me the strength to face my struggles and to help me find hope and purpose. In that moment, I felt a sense of peace that I had never experie

20 Most Powerful Prayers in The Bible

The Bible is a treasure trove of prayers, and throughout its pages, we see examples of people calling out to God for help, guidance, and strength. These prayers are powerful not only because they were inspired by the Holy Spirit, but because they come from the hearts of people who knew the power of God and trusted Him completely. In this article, we'll explore 20 of the most powerful prayers in the Bible. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) - This prayer, also known as the Our Father, is perhaps the most famous prayer in the Bible. It was given by Jesus as a model for how His disciples should pray, and it covers everything from acknowledging God's holiness to asking for daily provision and forgiveness. Moses' Prayer for Forgiveness (Exodus 32:30-32) - After the Israelites had made a golden calf and worshipped it, Moses interceded on their behalf and asked God to forgive them. His prayer demonstrates the power of intercession and the importance of standing in the gap fo

50 Powerful Deliverance Prayer Points

Father, I confess and renounce every known and unknown sin in my life in Jesus' name. (1 John 1:9) Lord, deliver me from every spirit of fear, anxiety, and worry in Jesus' name. (2 Timothy 1:7) I cancel every demonic assignment against my life, my family, and my destiny in Jesus' name. (Luke 10:19) Father, let every evil gathering against me scatter by fire in Jesus' name. (Isaiah 54:15) Lord, deliver me from every addiction, bondage, and stronghold in Jesus' name. (2 Corinthians 10:4) I break every curse, spell, and generational stronghold in Jesus' name. (Galatians 3:13) Father, let every satanic arrow targeted at me be destroyed by fire in Jesus' name. (Psalm 91:5) Lord, deliver me from every satanic oppression and possession in Jesus' name. (Acts 10:38) I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus' name. (Isaiah 54:17) Father, let every chain and yoke of bondage in my life be broken by fire in Jesus' name. (Isaiah 10:27)

6 Things Christian Single Should Consider In The Person They Want To Marry

When considering marriage as a Christian single, there are certain factors that should be considered before making a commitment to spend the rest of your life with another person. These factors are not just based on personal preferences or desires, but on biblical principles that can help guide the decision-making process. In this article, we will explore some of the key things that a Christian single should consider in the opposite sex before getting married. Shared Faith The most important factor to consider when choosing a spouse as a Christian single is shared faith. This means that both individuals must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and hold the same core beliefs and values. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with a


Dear God, I thank you for the success you have already given me, and I pray for more success in the future in Jesus name. Lord, please teach and help me to trust in your plan for my life and guide me towards success in Jesus name. God, I pray for the courage to pursue my dreams and the perseverance to overcome any obstacles in my way in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, grant me the wisdom to make the right decisions and the strength to stick to them in Jesus name. (Exodus 28:3, Proverbs 4:7, Proverbs 24:3) Lord, help me to have a positive attitude and to always see the good in every situation in Jesus name. God, I pray for opportunities to come my way and the ability to recognize them in Jesus name. Dear Lord, I ask for your favour and blessings in all areas of my life in Jesus name. Peter has almost given up when you asked him to cast his net one more time. Lord, do not allow me to give up at the edge of my success in Jesus name. Lord, like you directed Peter were to cast his net, please


Valentine's Day is a popular holiday that is celebrated worldwide on February 14th each year. It is a day that is associated with love, romance, and affection, and is typically marked by the exchange of gifts, cards, and other expressions of love. However, as a Christian, you may be wondering whether or not it is appropriate to celebrate Valentine's Day. In this article, we will explore both sides of the argument and try to provide a balanced perspective on the issue. The origins of Valentine's Day are somewhat unclear, but many historians believe that it originated as a pagan holiday in ancient Rome. It was then later appropriated by the Christian church and became associated with the martyrdom of Saint Valentine. The holiday became popular in the Middle Ages, and by the 19th century, it had become a widespread secular celebration of love and romance. As a Christian, you may be wondering whether or not it is appropriate to celebrate Valentine's Day. There are several a