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Dear God, I thank you for the success you have already given me, and I pray for more success in the future in Jesus name.

Lord, please teach and help me to trust in your plan for my life and guide me towards success in Jesus name.

God, I pray for the courage to pursue my dreams and the perseverance to overcome any obstacles in my way in Jesus name.

Heavenly Father, grant me the wisdom to make the right decisions and the strength to stick to them in Jesus name. (Exodus 28:3, Proverbs 4:7, Proverbs 24:3)

Lord, help me to have a positive attitude and to always see the good in every situation in Jesus name.

God, I pray for opportunities to come my way and the ability to recognize them in Jesus name.

Dear Lord, I ask for your favour and blessings in all areas of my life in Jesus name.

Peter has almost given up when you asked him to cast his net one more time. Lord, do not allow me to give up at the edge of my success in Jesus name.

Lord, like you directed Peter were to cast his net, please direct me to areas I should invest my time, energy and in resources for maximum success in Jesus name.

Lord, when you speak and direct me, help me to obey you in Jesus name.

Lord, I pray for financial success and stability in Jesus name.

God, please give me the creativity and innovation to come up with new ideas that will lead to success in Jesus name.

Lord, I ask for the support and encouragement of those around me as I pursue my goals in Jesus name.

God, I pray for the discipline to stay focused on my goals and to avoid distractions in Jesus name.

Lord, I ask for the strength to overcome any fears or doubts that may hold me back from success in Jesus name.

God, please guide me towards the right opportunities and help me to make the most of them in Jesus name.

Lord, I pray for the skills and knowledge I need to be successful in my career in Jesus name.

God, I ask for the courage to take risks and the faith to trust in your plan for my life in Jesus name

Lord, please help me to be persistent and never give up on my dreams in Jesus name.

God, I pray for the ability to adapt to changes and to be flexible in my approach to success in Jesus name.

Lord, I ask for the confidence to believe in myself and my abilities in Jesus name.

God, I pray for the patience to wait for success and the humility to accept it graciously in Jesus name.

Lord, please help me to stay true to my values and to never compromise my integrity in the pursuit of success in Jesus name.

God, I ask for the discernment to recognize opportunities that align with your will for my life in Jesus name.

Opportunities hidden from people, be revealed to me now in Jesus name.

Lord, I pray for the strength to persevere through difficult times and to never lose hope in Jesus name.

God, please help me to overcome any self-doubt or negative thinking that may hinder my success in Jesus name.

Lord, I ask for the courage to step out of my comfort zone and take risks for the sake of success in Jesus name.

God, I pray for the humility to acknowledge and learn from my mistakes in Jesus name.

Lord, please guide me towards the right mentors and teachers who can help me achieve success in Jesus name.

God, I ask for the ability to stay focused and avoid procrastination in pursuit of my goals in Jesus name.

Lord, give me the creativity and innovation to come up with new and effective solutions to problems in Jesus name.

God, please help me to be a positive influence on those around me and to inspire others towards success in Jesus name.

Lord, I ask for the ability to work hard and be diligent in pursuit of my goals in Jesus name.

God, I pray for the courage to face and overcome any challenges that come my way in Jesus name.

Lord, please help me to stay organized and manage my time effectively in pursuit of success in Jesus name.

God, give me the ability to prioritize and focus on what truly matters in pursuit of success in Jesus name.

Lord, I pray for the resilience to bounce back from setbacks and continue on the path to success in Jesus name.

God, please help me to be a good steward of the resources and opportunities you have given me in Jesus name.

Lord, I ask for the patience to wait for success in Jesus name. Please do not allow me run out of patience as I wait on you in Jesus name.

Lord, defend me against every demonic opposition to success in my life in Jesus name.

Lord, in any way my habits and attitudes are standing in the way of my success, help me change and replace them with success-oriented ones in Jesus name.

Every locational challenge I am facing on my journey to success begin to work in my favour in Jesus name.

Every voice speaking against my success in the spirit realm, I command you to go silent now and forever in Jesus name.

Powers shouting failure over my destiny, I command you to be silent now and always in Jesus name. (Job 22:28, Matthew 21:21)

Lord, please send my success helpers to me speedily in Jesus name. (Genesis 37:15)

Every Sanballat laughing at and making efforts to destroy my efforts to succeed, lose your powers in Jesus name. (Nehemiah 2:10-19).

I overcome every Jericho wall standing between me and my success in Jesus name. (Joshua 6)

Father Lord, cause policies of men  (government and organisations) to work in favour of my success in Jesus name. (Romans 8:28)

Lord, I thank you because I know you have answered my prayers in Jesus name.

This post is written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. WhatsApp: +2348080820671, +2349092851450


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