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6 Things Christian Single Should Consider In The Person They Want To Marry

When considering marriage as a Christian single, there are certain factors that should be considered before making a commitment to spend the rest of your life with another person. These factors are not just based on personal preferences or desires, but on biblical principles that can help guide the decision-making process. In this article, we will explore some of the key things that a Christian single should consider in the opposite sex before getting married.

Shared Faith

The most important factor to consider when choosing a spouse as a Christian single is shared faith. This means that both individuals must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and hold the same core beliefs and values. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?" It is clear from this passage that Christians should not enter into a relationship with someone who does not share their faith.

A shared faith is important because it provides a strong foundation for the marriage. Couples who share the same beliefs are better able to understand and support each other in their spiritual journeys. They can pray together, worship together, and study the Bible together. This shared foundation also helps to prevent conflicts that may arise from differing beliefs about important issues such as morality, ethics, and priorities.

Character and Values

In addition to a shared faith, it is important to consider the character and values of the person you are considering marrying. This includes qualities such as honesty, integrity, kindness, and compassion. It is important to look for someone who has a good reputation and is known for treating others with respect and dignity.

Values are also an important consideration. These are the beliefs and principles that guide a person's decisions and actions. Some examples of values that are important to many Christians include honesty, loyalty, humility, forgiveness, and generosity. It is important to find someone who shares your values, as this will help to ensure that you are aligned in your goals and priorities for your marriage.


Compatibility is another important factor to consider when choosing a spouse. This includes factors such as personality, interests, and lifestyle. It is important to find someone who is compatible with you in these areas, as this will help to ensure that you are able to build a strong, healthy relationship.

Personality is an important consideration. This includes traits such as introversion or extroversion, and tendencies towards optimism or pessimism. It is important to find someone who complements your personality and brings out the best in you.

Interests are also important. While it is not necessary to have identical interests, it is helpful to find someone who shares some of your passions and hobbies. This can help to build a strong connection and create opportunities for shared experiences.

Lifestyle is another consideration. This includes factors such as career goals, family priorities, and financial habits. It is important to find someone whose lifestyle is compatible with your own, as this will help to ensure that you are able to build a life together that is fulfilling and satisfying.

Emotional and Physical Health

Emotional and physical health are important considerations when choosing a spouse. Emotional health includes factors such as mental health, emotional stability, and ability to communicate effectively. It is important to find someone who is emotionally healthy and able to handle the stresses and challenges of a marriage.

Physical health is also important. This includes factors such as overall health, genotype, fitness, and lifestyle habits. It is important to find someone who takes care of their physical health and is committed to living a healthy lifestyle.

Commitment to Marriage

It is important to find someone who is committed to the idea of marriage. Some who believes in marriage and it's longevity will be ready to weather the storms that might beat against the ship of your marriage more than someone who sees marriage as a fair-weather relationship.

Divine Conviction

This is the most important consideration. Are you led of God to go into a marriage union with that person? Have prayed about it? What response and revelations did you receive from God on the matter? Once, you are convince that God is leading you to a person for marriage then you are on the right path if you marry the fellow. 

Such prayer shouldn't be rushed or done haphazardly. It demands so much commitment and sensitivity both spiritually and physically to know when God is speaking and what he is saying.

May God every single reading this article aright in marriage in Jesus name.


This article is written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze


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