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35 Prayer Points for Financial Success Using Psalm 91

As a believer, I understand that one of the most significant ways we can connect with God is through prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that enables us to communicate our desires, aspirations, and challenges to God. One of the common challenges that people face is financial struggles, and it's not a sin to pray for financial success. In this article, I will provide prayer points for financial success using Psalm 91 as a Bible reference.

Understanding Psalm 91

Psalm 91 is a psalm of trust and confidence in God. It provides us with a blueprint for how to trust in God, no matter what challenges we face. The psalm talks about God's protection, safety, and security. It reassures us that God is our refuge and fortress, and we can trust in him to protect us from harm.

Prayer Points for Financial Success

  1. Father hide my business and sources of income under Your shadow in Jesus name. - Psalm 91:1
  2. I declare that I am covered by the blood of Jesus, and no weapon formed against my finances shall prosper in Jesus name.
  3. I trust in God, who is my refuge and fortress, to provide for all my financial needs according to his riches in glory. - Psalm 91:2
  4. I believe in the promises of God concerning financial abundance, and I ask that he grants me the grace to receive them in Jesus name.
  5. Father Lord! Deliver me and my financial life from the fowler's snare in Jesus name - Psalm 91:3-4
  6. Every terror of the night, arrows of the day, pestilence that walks in darkness and destruction that wastes by the day, I rebuke you now in Jesus name - Psalm 91:5-6
  7. I declare that I am a child of God, and I have the power to create wealth, according to Deuteronomy 8:18 in Jesus name.
  8. No evil shall befall my business in Jesus name - Psalm 91:9-10.
  9. Oh Lord God, please send Your angels to watch over my business in Jesus name.
  10. I pray for the wisdom of God to guide me in all my financial decisions, that I may make wise choices and avoid financial pitfalls in Jesus name.
  11. I ask that God opens doors of financial opportunities for me, that I may prosper and be a blessing to others in Jesus name.
  12. I declare that I am debt-free, and I owe no man anything but love, according to Romans 13:8.
  13. I pray that God blesses the work of my hands, that I may be fruitful and prosperous in all my endeavours in Jesus name.
  14. I ask that God provides me with financial breakthroughs, that I may experience financial freedom and stability in Jesus name.
  15. I pray for divine connections and relationships that will lead to financial increase and success in Jesus name.
  16. I declare that I am a giver, and I give cheerfully and generously, according to 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 in Jesus name.
  17. I pray for the grace to be a good steward of the resources that God has entrusted to me, that I may use them wisely for his glory in Jesus name.
  18. I ask that God grants me favor with people in positions of authority, that I may have access to financial opportunities and resources in Jesus name.
  19. I pray for protection against financial fraud, scams, and schemes that may lead to financial loss in Jesus name.
  20. I declare that I am a victor and not a victim, and I overcome all financial challenges through faith in Christ Jesus in Jesus name.
  21. I declare that God is my provider, and I trust in him to supply all my financial needs according to his riches in glory in Jesus name.
  22. I pray for financial breakthroughs in every area of my life, that I may be able to give generously and bless others in Jesus name.
  23. I ask for protection against financial crises and emergencies, that I may have peace of mind and be able to provide for my family in Jesus name.
  24. I pray for the grace to live within my means and avoid financial debt, that I may have financial freedom and stability in Jesus name.
  25. I declare that God has given me the power to create wealth, and I ask that he gives me the courage to pursue my dreams and aspirations in Jesus name.
  26. I ask for God's guidance and direction in all my financial decisions, that I may make wise choices and avoid financial mistakes in Jesus name.
  27. I pray for the manifestation of God's financial promises in my life, that I may be a testimony of his faithfulness and grace in Jesus name.
  28. I declare that I am blessed and highly favored by God, and I ask for his blessings to manifest in every area of my life, including my finances in Jesus name.
  29. I pray for financial restoration and recovery from any financial losses or setbacks, that I may experience a full recovery and abundance in Jesus name.
  30. I ask for God's protection against financial predators and scammers, that I may be able to avoid financial fraud and deceit in Jesus name.
  31. I pray for divine connections and relationships that will lead to financial increase and success, that I may be able to network and collaborate with like-minded individuals in Jesus name.
  32. I declare that God is my financial source, and I ask for his provision and blessing to be upon me, my family, and my business in Jesus name.
  33. I declare that God's promises of financial abundance are true, and I claim them for myself and my family in Jesus name
  34. .I ask for God's favour to be upon me and my finances, that I may have open doors of opportunity and abundance in Jesus name
  35. .I pray for divine wisdom to manage my finances effectively, that I may be a good steward of the resources God has entrusted to me in Jesus name


Prayer is a powerful tool that enables us to connect with God and receive his blessings. Through prayer, we can experience financial success and abundance. Psalm 91 provides us with a blueprint for how to trust in God and receive his protection and provision. As you pray these prayer points for financial success, believe in God's promises, trust in his faithfulness, and have faith that he will answer your prayers.


Can I pray these prayer points for someone else's financial success?
Yes, you can pray these prayer points for someone else's financial success, but it's important to seek their consent first.

How often should I pray these prayer points?
There's no set frequency for praying these prayer points. You can pray them daily, weekly, or as often as you feel led by the Holy Spirit.

Can I add my own prayer points to these?


These prayer points were prayerfully written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. For prayers and counselling, reach to: +238080820671 via Whatsapp.

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