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Oh Lord Turn My Situation Around: 21 Powerful Prayer Points For Turnaround


Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh... And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck - Exodus 41:14,41-42

There was an unexplainable level of grace upon the life of Joseph that God gave him a "turnaround miracle" that moved him from being a prisoner to being a prime minister. He has almost lost hope of salvation from imprisonment when God remembered him.

I pray for you today; may God give you that turnaround miracle that will surprise you in Jesus name. May He change your ugly story and lift you above the imagination of men in Jesus name.

Below are some prayer points focused on asking God for a turnaround in your life. As you pray, may testimonies follow in Jesus name.

The Prayer Points

Oh Lord, I cry for Your mercy. Please forgive me any sin responsible for the troubles of my life in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, transform my circumstances as You did for Joseph in Jesus name. (Genesis 41:14)

Bars of spiritual prison holding my destiny, shatter to pieces now in Jesus name.

Oh Lord please change my situation like You turned barrenness into fruitfulness for Hannah in Jesus name. (1 Samuel 2:1-10)

Powers sustaining failure, lack and poverty in my life, scatter by fire in Jesus name.

Almighty God, just as You led the Israelites out of Egypt, lead me out of these troubles of my life in Jesus name.  (Exodus 13:21)

Forces sitting on my breakthrough, disappear now by fire in Jesus name.

I command every ugly story of my life to change now by fire in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, while I wait for my miraculous turnaround, grant me faith like that of Abraham, that can attract my expected turnaround in Jesus name. (Romans 4:20-21)

Powers aiming to kill me in this wilderness situation I'm going through, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

 Oh Lord, transform my wilderness into a place of provision and blessings in Jesus name (Isaiah 41:18)

"You locusts and caterpillars that consume my blessing, I command you to vomit and restore what the you have eaten now in Jesus name (Joel 2:25)

Curses, incantations and charms responsible for the wilderness experience, be destroyed now in Jesus name.

I set on fire every altar of witchcraft and demonic manipulation fueling stagnancy in my life in Jesus name.

Lord, by the power with which You parted the Red Sea, part every Red Sea obstructing my journey to greatness in Jesus name (Isaiah 43:19)

Spiritual chains and ropes of bondage on my hands and feet, break now by fire in Jesus name.

I trust that You can change my situation beyond what I can ask or imagine. Oh Lord let it happen speedingly in Jesus name (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Demonic storehouses holding my turnaround miracle, I invade you now in the spirit realm and I collect ALL that belongs to me in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, in any way my destiny has been tampered with by forces of darkness that has caused things not to work for me, reverse them now in Jesus name.

Generational forces and covenants opposing my turnaround miracle scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

Thank You Lord for answered prayers for in Jesus name.


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