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Prayer Points To Cancel Witchcraft Activities

First Thing First

The prayers here will be most effective for those who are born again. If you are not born again yet, I encourage you to do so now by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

If you are ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, say this prayer with me:

"Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Accept you today as my Lord and Saviour. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your precious Blood. God please give me the grace from now onward to live a holy life on Jesus name. Amen."

Dealing With Witchcraft

"But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one... And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries" - Acts 8:9,11

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". Exodus 22:18

Witchcraft which is the exercise of supernatural power possessed by persons in league with the devil and his demons. With witchcraft, witches manipulate the thoughts and actions of people. They also direct and redirect people's blessings. When they bewitch a person, such person lives according tthe dictates of the witch. They can afflict a man with sickness and diseases as well as affect.

Witchcraft can keep a person far away from God's purpose for his life all through his lifetime. So such a person lives in mediocrity and underachievement. 

God knows how dangerous witchcraft can be, so He charged us not to let a witch live (Exodus 22:18). How do we implement this but through prayers.

I pray that as you say these prayers, the activities of witchcraft will be permanently terminated in your life today in Jesus name.

The Prayer Points

1. Worship God intensely with songs.

2. Oh Lord God, You went into the camp of Your people's enemies and stirred up confusion. Visit my enemies' camp with confusion today in Jesus name. 2 Kings 7

3. Let there be sudden defeat in the camp of my enemies in Jesus name.

4. Every evil hand holding my peace release it and catch fire now in Jesus name

5. Father, let my celebration come suddenly in Jesus name.

6. Witchcraft agents sitting on my breakthrough, be roasted now by fire in Jesus name.

7. Witchcraft agents tormenting my health, be roasted now by fire in Jesus name.

8. Every witchcraft weapon of warfare designed against my destiny, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

9. Witchcraft altars raised in my family in generations past, be consumed now by fire in Jesus name.

10. Witchcraft altar raised in my family in this generation and era be consumed now by fire in Jesus name.

11. Every witchcraft blockade and embargo on my financial progress disappear now by fire in Jesus name.

12. Every witchcraft mirror and monitoring gadgets used against me, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

13. Every witchcraft mark or incision on my body, be erased now by the Blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus name.

14. Every witchcraft deposit in my body, catch fire and disappear now in Jesus name.

15. Witchcraft incantations and divinations against me, lose your powers now by fire in Jesus name.

16. Every witchcraft network that has sworn that marriage will not work for me, you are a liar, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

17. Every witchcraft network that has sworn that business will not work for me, you are a liar, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

18. Every witchcraft blanket trapping and stopping my blessings from reaching me, what are you waiting for? Catch fire now in Jesus name.

19. Every witchcraft hole in my pocket, I seal you now with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

20. Every witchcraft power that has locked the door of success against me, scatter now by fire in Jesus name - Joshua 7:1

21. Witchcraft padlocks on the door of my success, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

22. Every witchcraft food I ate in the past, lose your power in my body now in Jesus name.

23. Every witchcraft power assigned to keep me confused in life, I command permanent confusion to come upon you now in Jesus name.

24. Every near-success syndrome programmed against me by witchcraft powers, I terminate you now by the Blood of Jesus Christ in Jesus name.

25. By the Blood of Jesus, I cancel every date set by witchcraft powers for me to died in Jesus name.

26. Every accident planned for me by witchcraft powers, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, I cancel you now in Jesus name.

27. Warrior angels of God, arise and fight every witchcraft power fighting me in Jesus name.

28. Oh earth, I command you now, reject every libation, divination and sacrifice performed on you against me by witchcraft powers in Jesus name.

29. Oh you witchcraft sword raised against me, break now by fire in Jesus name.

30. Every of my assigned blessings in the stomach witchcraft powers be vomited now in Jesus name. - Job 20:15.

31. Oh you powers and agents of witchcraft stealing from me through my dreams disappear from my life now in Jesus name.

32. I reject every witchcraft dream and manipulations in my dreams in Jesus name.

33. Every spiritual witchcraft handcuff on my hands, break now by fire in Jesus name.

34. Every spiritual witchcraft chains on my neck, waist or legs, break now by fire in Jesus name.

35. Every witchcraft veil covering my eyes and mind so I don't see what God wants me to see, be consumed now by fire in Jesus name. Mark 8:22-26

36. Every spiritual witchcraft ornament on my body, disappear now by fire in Jesus name.

37. I demand by fire the total restoration of everything stolen from me by witchcraft powers in Jesus name.

38. I declare that witchcraft activities are permanently terminated in my life. My life shall no longer operate under the influence of witchcraft manipulations and powers in Jesus name.

39. Every witchcraft load upon my life and destiny, scatter now by fire in Jesus name.

40. Witchcraft birds and animals on any mission in my life, lose your powers now in Jesus name.

41. Oh Lord, by Your fire, shield me permanently from witchcraft activities in Jesus name.

42. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers in Jesus name.



This prayers are written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. Contact him via WhatsApp: +234 9064141316 or+234 9092851450.

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