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But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light - 1Peter. 2:9 
It is written that because you and I have given our lives to Christ, we are a chosen generation… Chosen for what? We have been chosen to excel and display the glory of our heavenly Father here on earth. The scriptures has it that, Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm” – Daniel. 6:3. Just as the spirit of God qualified Daniel for excellence, the Holy Spirit in you also qualifies you to excel greatly. That is the only way God’s glory in your life can be seen by men

It is God’s desire that believers should be gloriously exceptional in everything they do and that is why 3 John 2 has it that the desire of heaven is that “you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospereth.” That way the glory of God will be fully showcased in you.

A glorious generation would mean a people who are outstanding: so distinguished and having a good and lasting success. A glorious generation would mean a people worthy of honour. Not just honour earned by human efforts but rather the kind of honour that is divinely bestowed.

A glorious generation is a generation that has chosen to align to the word of God in total obedience. A generation that values the glory of God they bear. A generation that understands that the glory of God must not be allowed to depart because of the inherent dangers of a Christian life without God’s glory upon such a life. Remember that it was the departure of God’s glory from Israel that made the Philistines defeat them and take away the Ark of God. Without the glory of God, glorious Israel has no glory. Same for a believer, without the glory of God in the life  of a believer, he can’t be glorious.

So the secret to remaining ever glorious and part of God’s glorious generation is to always ensure that God’s glory is abiding with you. For a glorious generation, there is; no limitations to excellence, there is always great peace in the face of challenges, and joy unspeakable. A glorious generation is always feared by enemies because there is always a mighty Warrior ready to fight for their cause.

Fortune Ihunweze is a motivational speaker, Christian teacher, preacher and author. Having discovered a spiritual gifting for writing and teaching the Word of God has taken to for over a decade now. He has written numerous articles in church bulletins and online Magazines. He has also prepared and taught several Bible study sessions.


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