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Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success – Joshua 1:7-8

The above scripture is an express and direct statement to Joshua by God. A statement that reveals God’s ultimate and true secret for prosperity and good success. That secret is studying and doing what the Word of God says. It is obvious that not all the successes people get are good successes. When one succeeds by cheating, stealing or through any unlawful and ungodly scheme, he can’t be said to have good success. Good successes are successes that come by godly and lawful schemes and activities. 

Good success brings peace, joy and contentment with it. It is a success that lasts the test of time. And God is saying the best place to discover the secret to such a success is in His Word. Why the Word of God you will ask?

Our God you should know is the wisest and shares His wisdom and knowledge with us in His Word. Therefore the word of God is a divine goldmine containing precious resources necessary to build up a man and focus his mind towards success. The word of God reveals the mind of God which when obeyed attracts divine favor on all a man does. And of course divine favor translates into success in real life.

So when God asked Joshua to meditate and obey His word, all He was saying was, “give me an excuse by the reason of your obedience to favor you”. God is saying the same thing to you now. That if only you will live in total obedience unto Him, then failure will be far away from you and He will favor you and make you a great success. Take note that God said, “…for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”. In essence God was saying, “To have good success and prosperity, you must obey me”.

Of note also is the fact that men have received career and business ideas while meditating on the word of God. I am one good example of such ones. Severally I have received ideas while in the middle of a church service. Once after conceiving such an idea, a woman I never knew before walked up to me in the church at the end of the programme, looked into my eyes and said, “Never bother, God will make it happen”, confirming my conceived idea as God-given.
Such ideas are suddenly delivered by the Holy Spirit in a flash and because they come from God, success follows their application.

Beloved, it is therefore very important that we take more time to study and digest God’s word into our minds, and make every effort to obey it. We should eat it as food because it is actually a good food for the mind and the spirit of man.

My prayer is that as you step up your Bible-study life, and commit to obey God in all you do, that God will deliver unto you great ideas for success in Jesus name. Amen.

Fortune Ihunweze is a motivational speaker, Christian teacher, preacher and author. Having discovered a spiritual gifting for writing and teaching the Word of God has taken to for over a decade now. He has written numerous articles in church bulletins and online Magazines. He has also prepared and taught several Bible study sessions.


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