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My Breakthrough Is Sure - Prayer For The Month of July, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The month of July 2023 is our month of MIGHTY DIVINE BREAKTHROUGHS. Halleluyah! It is a season when God raise you from zero level to  hero level. It is the beginning of the second half of the year and in this half, your victory and breakthrough shall be established in Jesus name. In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Jabez cried unto God to change his story and heard him. God didn’t just change his story but gave him a breakthrough that changed his story for the better. He became more honourable than all his relatives. May this  be your testimony this month in Jesus name. 

If men are willing to pray, then my God is very willing to answer. Hear me, my God is ready to change your story your ugly stories as you pray unto Him. Let us approach the throne of grace with the assurance that our Heavenly Father is attentive to our needs and desires. The challenges that have tormented you so fa shall torment you no more.

Had Jabez kept quiet, his struggles would have continued. But he refused to keep quiet. He cried unto God in prayer. Refuse to keep quiet and keep tolerating those troubles of life. Ask God for His divine intervention today and He will give you a breakthrough.

Remember, dear friend, that God is faithful, and His promises are true. He is the God of more than enough, and He delights in blessing His children. So, as you pray these powerful prayers, hold on to His Word, knowing that He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). May the theme of "enough is enough" resonate in your life throughout this month, as you experience the transformational power of prayer.

The Prayer Points...

1. Oh Lord God, I thank You for Your grace and mighty power that has brought me this far in this year in Jesus name.

2. Father! I ask for forgiveness of any sin in my life that is responsible for the absence of breakthroughs and testimonies in my life.

3. I plead the Blood of Jesus over any sin committed by my parents and ancestors that the enemy is using to stop my breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

4. In Jesus’ mighty name I activate the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ in my life. Every door of breakthrough closed against me, I force it open now in Jesus’ name.

5. Father! In this month of July, by Your mighty fire, settle my case of my breakthrough in Jesus’ mighty name.

6. Father Lord! This month, I enter into a covenant of massive breakthroughs in Jesus’ name.

7. Blood of Jesus Christ, separate me permanently from failure and stagnancy in Jesus’ name.

8. Father, destroy every power that is opposed to my breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

9. Father! By Your mighty power with which You sustain the sun, stars, moon and rainbow in the firmament, sustain and defend me from foundational destroyers working against my breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

10. Territorial powers and forces strategically positioned to stop me this month, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name.

11. Territorial powers and forces strategically positioned to swallow the testimonies of my breakthrough this month, scatter now by fire in Jesus’ name

12. Father! By the Blood of Jesus Christ flush out every in my body system that will work against my breakthrough this month in Jesus’ name.

13. Any sickness hiding in my body waiting to manifest and stop my breakthrough this month, die now by fire in Jesus’ name.

14. Father! Uproot everything You have not planted in my life in Jesus’ name.

15. Every strongman assigned to frustrate my breakthrough be paralyzed now in Jesus’ name.

16. By the Blood of Jesus Christ I overrule every demonic judgement against my breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

17. Every evil spiritual hand from my foundation working to stop my breakthrough, break now by fire in Jesus name.

18. Every power using the sun, stars, the moon, and the element of nature against my destiny, carry your evil load and die shamefully, in the name of Jesus. 

19. Spiritual raised against my breakthrough this month, receive destruction by fire now in Jesus’ name.

20. My life, I command you now, receive the anointing for supernatural breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

21. My breakthrough helpers and connectors, I call you forth, locate me this month in Jesus’ name.

22. Oh Lord God, endow me with the wisdom and knowledge I need for breakthrough this month in Jesus’ name.

24. In this month of July, I reject progress at the speed of a snail. Lord, place me on the speed lane of success in Jesus’ name.

24. Holy Ghost fire, convert my delay to speed of success by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

25. By the Blood of Jesus, I cancel any satanic covenants, agreements, exchanges, vows or transactions made over my life, body, soul and circumstances in Jesus’ name.

26. My backlog of breakthroughs and miracles, be gathered unto me now in Jesus’ name. 

27. Father! In this month, please give me a breakthrough miracle whose testimony will travel far and wide in Jesus’ name.

28. Father! In Your grace and mercy, release to me every of my overdue breakthrough and miracle in Jesus’ name.

29. Powers that have been diverting my breakthroughs I displace you from my life permanently in Jesus’ name.

30. Lord! Load me with money-making ideas and provide me with the resources and opportunities to utilize such ideas in Jesus’ name.

31. Father! Open my eyes to right investment opportunities that will bring me breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

32. Father! Please release on me the grace and anointing for financial breakthroughs in Jesus’ name.

33. Father! Grant me the boldness to step out in faith as you reveal investment opportunities to me in Jesus’ name.

34. Father! Uphold me that I may not fail in Jesus’ name. 

35. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I declare that my business shall not fail.

36. Father! Open the flood gate of heavens and let it rain financially over my business in Jesus’ name.

37. In the Name of Jesus, I overthrow every satanic sanction and embargo against my business(es) and works of my hand. 

38. I issue and exercise restraining orders over every strong man assigned to steal, kill and destroy my business in Jesus’ name.

39. I command the entire universe to cooperate with the breakthrough plan and purpose of God for my life this month in Jesus’ name.

40. Father! Transform my life and make it the beauty of Your glory in Jesus’ name.

41. Father! I thank you immensely for answered prayers.

42. Father! I thank you for the victories You just won for me.

43. Thank God cheerfully in faith and with songs of praise for answered prayers.

May these prayers align with the perfect will of God and bring about a transformation in your life. 

May you experience the abundant blessings and breakthroughs you desire as you.


Click here to download prayers for the month of July 2023(PDF version)

These prayer points were prayerfully written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. For prayers and counselling, reach him via WhatsApp on: 

You can get more Pastor Fortune’s prayer and Christian resources from:


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