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And Pharaoh said, I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only ye shall not go very far away: intreat for me. - Exodus 8:28 There are powers that do not want to see make progress. If you must progress at all they insist and do everything to see to it that you do not go far. These are the powers we are praying against here. We are asking God to destroy their plans to hold us bound against God's plan and purpose for us  Let's go on to pray. The Prayer Points Heavenly Father, I thank You immensely for the privilege of life and health in Jesus name. Oh Lord God, arise and crush the head of every serpent and serpentine powerful standing on the way of my progress in Jesus name. Oh you Pharaoh that have sworn never to allow me go far, lose your powers over my life and destiny now in Jesus name. Father Lord, I pray for the courage to step out in faith, knowing that with You, I can go far. Oh you spirit of discouragement used by the enemy agains


  These special prayer points would be more effective if said during fasting or midnight prayer session. Though they can be said at any other time. Before you say these prayers or any prayers at, you should worship God intensely eith singing and dancing and thank Him for all He has done for you. The Psalmist said, " Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name" . - Psalm 100:4  Praise and worship if done from a platform of a righteous heart, gives you access to God's presence. THE PRAYER POINTS #1. Father, I decree the termination of every near-success experience orchestrated by the enemy in my life, according to Psalm 138:8. Near-success syndrome disappear permanently in my life now in Jesus' name. #2. I command every door the enemy has opened to near-success in my life be shut and sealed permanently now by the power in the blood of Jesus, as in Isaiah 22:22, in Jesus' name. #3. I overcome and d


Introduction These prayer points are designed to help you approach God with a focused and fervent heart, seeking His intervention to terminate poverty in your life. Poverty is not a destiny that God desires for His children, and through prayer, we can bring our needs and desires before Him, trusting in His power and provision. Each prayer point is accompanied by a relevant Bible reference, reminding us of God's promises and teachings on abundance, financial stewardship, and the principles of His Kingdom. As you engage in these prayers, may your faith be strengthened, your mindset renewed, and your path aligned with God's purposes for your life. Remember, prayer is a powerful tool that can break chains, remove limitations, and open doors of opportunity. Approach these prayer points with expectation, knowing that God is able to transform your financial circumstances and lead you into a life of abundance and prosperity. The Prayer Points... Heavenly Father, I thank You for being t

Powerful Warfare Prayer Points From Psalm 35

Psalm 35 contains very strong prayer secrets some of which I am revealing in the piece. These prayer points will help you confront and subdue spiritual powers contending with you if prayed fervently. The Prayer Points... Lord, contend with those who contend with me, fight against those who fight against my soul. (Psalm 35:1) Heavenly Father, arise and shield me from the attacks of the enemy, for they seek to bring me down. (Psalm 35:2) Lord, let your spear and javelin be against those who pursue me, and let them stumble and fall by your mighty hand. (Psalm 35:3) O God, let confusion and fear come upon my adversaries, and let them be scattered in their plans against me. (Psalm 35:4) Heavenly Father, stretch out your hand against the schemes of the wicked, and deliver me from their grasp. (Psalm 35:5) Lord, let the angel of the Lord chase my enemies and pursue them, bringing swift justice and deliverance. (Psalm 35:6) O God, let the traps set by the enemy backfire upon them, and let them

30 Powerful Prayer Points for the Month of May 2023 with Bible References

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Before you go on with these prayer points, I would encourage you to take some moment and worship God in songs, praises and thanksgiving. The Bible says: #1. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will guide my steps and direct my path towards the blessings that You have prepared for me. (Psalm 25:4-5) #2. Lord, I declare that this month of May will be a month of breakthroughs and supernatural miracles in every area of my life. (Isaiah 43:19) #3. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will fill me with the power of Your Holy Spirit, so that I can accomplish all that You have called me to do this month. (Acts 1:8) #4. Lord, I surrender all of my plans and goals for this month to You, knowing that Your plans for me are greater than my own. (Proverbs 19:21) #5, Heavenly Father, I pray for divine protection and safety for myself and my loved ones throughout this month of May. (Psalm 91:11)


  From Grass To Grace He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.  – Psalm 113:7-8 This is the class of people I desire to belong to in 2023. Those who will move from a zero level to a hero level. Men who by the power of the grace of God will move from the valley of nothingness to become men of honour and value. Men who God will move from obscurity to popularity. Men who God will promote even in the face of fierce contestations from both spiritual and physical powers that be. They are men in whose life the grace of God will silence every voice asking for their demotion no matter how strong their reasons might be. They are people whose time have come to be divinely lifted and God is not allowing any opposition stop them. You are destined to be in this category of people in 2023. I say it again, you are destined to be among those who will strategically and speedily move up the la


BIBLE TEXT: Deuteronomy 2:1-3 " Then we turned and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the Lord spake unto me: and we compassed mount Seir many days. And the Lord spake unto me, saying, Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward."  The children of Israel found themselves moving in a cycle, compassing a mountain until God shouted on them, "Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward. I don't know the area of your life where you have been stagnant or moving in a circle without making progress, God will deliver you today in Jesus name. The word of God to let Israel go was given to Pharaoh in Exodus chapter 4, but he refused. He delayed them until chapter 12 when the yoke of delay was totally broken and they were free forever. Satanic delay is a dangerous attack. It can put the dream of a man to standstill and his expectation to nothing. It is more better for a person to be moving slowly, than a pers