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These special prayer points would be more effective if said during fasting or midnight prayer session. Though they can be said at any other time.

Before you say these prayers or any prayers at, you should worship God intensely eith singing and dancing and thank Him for all He has done for you. The Psalmist said, "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name". - Psalm 100:4 

Praise and worship if done from a platform of a righteous heart, gives you access to God's presence.


#1. Father, I decree the termination of every near-success experience orchestrated by the enemy in my life, according to Psalm 138:8. Near-success syndrome disappear permanently in my life now in Jesus' name.

#2. I command every door the enemy has opened to near-success in my life be shut and sealed permanently now by the power in the blood of Jesus, as in Isaiah 22:22, in Jesus' name.

#3. I overcome and dislodge every demonic power responsible for failure at the edge on my breakthroughs. Disappear from my life now in Jesus name.

#4. I nullify every satanic strategy aimed at hindering my breakthroughs and advancement in life. I command such satanic strategies to expire now by fire in Jesus' name. - Matthew 18:18

#5. Oh you evil hand manipulating my destiny towards near-success, I command you to wither and dry up now, in line with Mark 11:21, in Jesus' name.

#6. I release the fire of confusion into the camp of my enemies of my desty plotting near-success against me, just as You did with the enemies of Israel in 2 Chronicles 20:22, in Jesus' name.

#7. Oh you satanic barrier hindering my progress to complete success, What are you waiting for? Be consumed now by fire as Elijah did to the altar, in Jesus' name. - 1 Kings 18:38

#8. I decree the collapse of every demonic stronghold blocking my path to full achievement, as in 2 Corinthians 10:4, in Jesus' name.

#9. Every plan of the wicked against my advancement backfire upon them now as it happened in Esther 7:10, in Jesus' name.

#10. Father Lord, break every curse of near-success operating against me. I decree divine reversal over my life in Jesus' name. Curses are reversed to blessings now in Jesus' name. - Deuteronomy 23:5

#11. By the Blood of Jesus I render every evil decree and incantation delaying my breakthroughs powerless according to Job 22:28, in Jesus' name.

#12. I overturn every table of the enemy set against my progress, just as Jesus did in the temple in Matthew 21:12, in Jesus' name.

#13. Lord, let your angelic hosts scatter every gathering of darkness strategizing against my success, as in Psalm 35:5, in Jesus' name.

#14. I decree divine acceleration in every area of my life where near-success has been lingering, according to Habakkuk 2:3, in Jesus' name.

#15. Oh Lord God, send Your angels of divine acceleration and give me good speed to achieve greatly in Jesus' name.

#16. Every evil altar erected to hinder my progress, I command you to catch fire and be destroyed now, in line with 1 Kings 13:5, in Jesus' name.

#17. Standing on the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that no weapon formed against my success shall prosper in Jesus' name. - Isaiah 54:17

#18. I break every chain of stagnation and delay in my life, by the power in the name of Jesus, as in Acts 16:26, in Jesus' name.

#19. Oh Lord God, cause Your favour to surround me like a shield, frustrating the plans of the enemy for near-success in my life, according to Psalm 5:12, in Jesus' name.

#20. Every evil monitoring device tracking my progress, I command you to malfunction and be destroyed now in Jesus' name. 2 Kings 6:17

#21. I decree divine intervention in every area where the enemy has planned near-success Oh Lord arise! And turn their schemes into foolishness, just as You did with the counsel of Ahithophel in 2 Samuel 15:31, in Jesus' name.

#22. Every demonic embargo placed upon my blessings, I command you to be lifted now by the power in the Blood of Jesus, according to Zechariah 1:17, in Jesus' name.

#23. I release the spirit of excellence upon my endeavours. Father by Your divine spirit of excellence, cause me to excel and surpass every obstacle set before me, as in Daniel 6:3, in Jesus' name.

#24. By the Blood of Jesus Christ, I nullify every evil association and covenant working against my progress. in Jesus' name. Colossians 2:14-15

#25. Every curse and negative pronouncement hanging over my destiny, I command you to be broken by the power in the name of Jesus, as in Numbers 23:23, in Jesus' name.

#26. Blood of Jesus speak total destruction to every evil foundation working against my success in Jesus' name. Hebrews 12:24

#27. Anointing that breaks every yoke of near-success in my life come upon me now, according to Isaiah 10:27, in Jesus' name.

#28. Father, let your light shine upon my path, exposing and dispelling every darkness hindering my breakthroughs, as in Psalm 119:105, in Jesus' name.

#29. I decree supernatural acceleration and manifestation of my divine destiny, overriding every plan of the enemy for near-success, according to Ephesians 3:20, in Jesus' name. 

#30. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers in Jesus' name. Amen.

Your testimony shall be greater than your expectation in Jesus name.


These prayer points were prayerful put together by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. To reach him for counselling and prayers, call or Whatsapp: +234 9064141316


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