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Powerful Warfare Prayer Points From Psalm 35

Warfare prayers with Psalm 35

Psalm 35 contains very strong prayer secrets some of which I am revealing in the piece. These prayer points will help you confront and subdue spiritual powers contending with you if prayed fervently.

The Prayer Points...

Lord, contend with those who contend with me, fight against those who fight against my soul. (Psalm 35:1)

Heavenly Father, arise and shield me from the attacks of the enemy, for they seek to bring me down. (Psalm 35:2)

Lord, let your spear and javelin be against those who pursue me, and let them stumble and fall by your mighty hand. (Psalm 35:3)

O God, let confusion and fear come upon my adversaries, and let them be scattered in their plans against me. (Psalm 35:4)

Heavenly Father, stretch out your hand against the schemes of the wicked, and deliver me from their grasp. (Psalm 35:5)

Lord, let the angel of the Lord chase my enemies and pursue them, bringing swift justice and deliverance. (Psalm 35:6)

O God, let the traps set by the enemy backfire upon them, and let them fall into the very pit they have dug for me. (Psalm 35:7)

Lord, arise in your anger and rebuke those who rise up against me; bring down their strongholds and scatter them. (Psalm 35:8)

Heavenly Father, let their way be dark and slippery, and let the angel of the Lord pursue and trouble them. (Psalm 35:9)

O God, let destruction come upon my enemies unaware, and let the net they have hidden catch them in their own devices. (Psalm 35:10)

Lord, let their plans against me turn into their own ruin, and let their evil schemes fall upon their own heads. (Psalm 35:11)

Heavenly Father, let my soul rejoice in your salvation, for you have delivered me from the hands of the wicked. (Psalm 35:9)

O God, let your righteousness shine forth and your justice prevail in my battles, for you are my strong defender. (Psalm 35:24)

Lord, let your loving-kindness and truth be my shield and buckler, protecting me from the arrows of the enemy. (Psalm 35:24)

Heavenly Father, let the enemy be ashamed and brought to dishonor, while I rejoice in your deliverance and victory. (Psalm 35:26)

O God, let those who plot evil against me be put to shame, and let their plans come to nothing before your might. (Psalm 35:26)

Lord, arise and save me from the hands of the wicked, for they seek my downfall and destruction. (Psalm 35:17)

Heavenly Father, let your power and might overshadow me, and let the enemy's weapons be useless against me. (Psalm 35:17)

O God, let your angels encamp around me and deliver me from the snares and traps of the enemy. (Psalm 35:17)

Lord, let confusion and panic seize the hearts of those who rise up against me, and let them scatter in fear. (Psalm 35:4)

Heavenly Father, let your light shine in the darkness, exposing the hidden schemes of the enemy and bringing them to naught. (Psalm 35:6)

O God, let the thunder of your voice break the chains that bind me, and let your lightning consume the plans of the wicked. (Psalm 35:6)

Lord, let your hand be upon me for good, guiding me and leading me in the paths of righteousness and

Lord, let your hand be upon me for good, guiding me and leading me in the paths of righteousness and victory. (Psalm 35:23)

Heavenly Father, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am covered by your divine protection. (Psalm 35:23)

O God, break the strongholds of the enemy that seek to hinder my progress, and grant me breakthrough in every area of my life. (Psalm 35:10)

Lord, let your favor surround me like a shield, causing doors to open and opportunities to abound in my journey to victory. (Psalm 35:27)

Heavenly Father, I rebuke every curse and spell that has been spoken against me, and I release the power of your word to reverse their effects. (Psalm 35:27)

O God, I lift up my voice in praise and thanksgiving, for you have fought my battles and given me the victory over my enemies. (Psalm 35:18)

Lord, strengthen my hands for the battle ahead, and grant me the wisdom and discernment to overcome every strategy of the enemy. (Psalm 35:23)

Heavenly Father, arise as my defender and champion, and let your name be glorified through the triumphs and breakthroughs I experience. (Psalm 35:24)

O God, anoint me with your Holy Spirit, empowering me to walk in authority and boldness, dismantling the works of darkness. (Psalm 35:28)

Lord, I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, and no weapon formed against me shall prevail. (Psalm 35:1)

Heavenly Father, surround me with your heavenly hosts, waging war on my behalf and ensuring my victory in every battle. (Psalm 35:5)

O God, grant me divine strategies and insights to outsmart and overcome the tactics of the enemy. (Psalm 35:3)

Lord, let your fire consume every evil plan and device formed against me, leaving nothing but ashes in their wake. (Psalm 35:8)

Heavenly Father, let your glory shine upon me, illuminating my path and exposing the snares set by the enemy. (Psalm 35:9)

O God, I take refuge in you, knowing that you are my stronghold and my shield in the midst of the battle. (Psalm 35:2)

Lord, I put on the whole armor of God, standing firm against the schemes of the devil and declaring my victory in Christ. (Psalm 35:27)

Heavenly Father, let your peace that surpasses all understanding guard my heart and mind, keeping me steady and focused in the midst of warfare. (Psalm 35:20)

O God, I thank you for the breakthroughs and victories that are already on their way, for you are faithful to fulfill your promises. (Psalm 35:28)



These prayer points were prayerfully written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. For prayers and counselling, reach him via WhatsApp on: +238080820671 

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