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30 Powerful Prayer Points for the Month of May 2023 with Bible References

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Before you go on with these prayer points, I would encourage you to take some moment and worship God in songs, praises and thanksgiving. The Bible says:

#1. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will guide my steps and direct my path towards the blessings that You have prepared for me. (Psalm 25:4-5)

#2. Lord, I declare that this month of May will be a month of breakthroughs and supernatural miracles in every area of my life. (Isaiah 43:19)

#3. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will fill me with the power of Your Holy Spirit, so that I can accomplish all that You have called me to do this month. (Acts 1:8)

#4. Lord, I surrender all of my plans and goals for this month to You, knowing that Your plans for me are greater than my own. (Proverbs 19:21)

#5, Heavenly Father, I pray for divine protection and safety for myself and my loved ones throughout this month of May. (Psalm 91:11)

#6. Lord, I pray for financial blessings and abundance to overflow into my life this month, so that I can be a blessing to others. (Malachi 3:10)

#7. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will heal any areas of brokenness or pain in my life and bring wholeness and restoration to my body, mind, and spirit. (Jeremiah 30:17)

#8. Lord, I declare that this month of May will be a month of favor and promotion in my career and business endeavors. (Psalm 75:6-7)

#9. Heavenly Father, I pray for wisdom, discernment, and understanding as I make important decisions and navigate through the challenges of this month. (James 1:5)

#10. Lord, I thank You for all of the blessings and opportunities that You have already provided for me, and I pray for a heart of gratitude and thankfulness throughout this month of May. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

#11. Heavenly Father, I pray for the strength and perseverance to overcome any obstacles or challenges that I may face this month, knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

#12. Lord, I pray for deeper intimacy with You and a greater understanding of Your love and grace for me, so that I can live a life that honors You and brings glory to Your name. (Ephesians 3:18-19)

#13. Heavenly Father, I pray for unity and harmony in my relationships with others, and I ask that You would bring healing to any broken or strained relationships. (Colossians 3:13)

#14. Lord, I pray for opportunities to serve and bless others this month, and for the courage to step out of my comfort zone and share Your love with those around me. (Galatians 5:13)

#15. Heavenly Father, I pray for the salvation of those who do not yet know You, and I ask that You would use me as a vessel to share the good news of the gospel with them. (Matthew 28:19-20)

#16. Lord, I pray for divine connections and divine appointments this month, so that I can fulfill the purposes that You have for me and make a difference in the lives of others. (Ephesians 2:10)

#17. Heavenly Father, I pray for protection over my mind and heart, and I ask that You would guard me against negative thoughts, emotions, and influences. (Philippians 4:7)

#18. Lord, I pray for a renewed sense of hope and vision for my future, and I ask that You would reveal Your plans and purposes for me more clearly throughout this month of May. (Jeremiah 29:11)

#19. Heavenly Father, I pray for humility and a teachable spirit, so that I can learn from Your word and grow in my relationship with You. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

#20. Lord, I pray for the courage to step out in faith and trust You completely, even when the path ahead is uncertain or difficult. (Joshua 1:9)

#21, Heavenly Father, I pray for a spirit of courage and boldness, so that I can step out in faith and pursue the dreams and goals that You have placed in my heart. (2 Timothy 1:7)

#22. Lord, I pray for a heart of forgiveness and grace towards those who have wronged me, and I ask that You would help me to release any bitterness or resentment. (Ephesians 4:31-32)

#23. Heavenly Father, I pray for divine health and strength, so that I can fulfill Your purposes and serve You to the best of my ability. (Isaiah 40:29)

#24. Lord, I pray for a renewed passion and zeal for You and Your kingdom, and I ask that You would ignite a fire in my heart to serve You wholeheartedly. (Romans 12:11)

#25. Heavenly Father, I pray for an outpouring of Your love and compassion in my life, so that I can be a light to those around me and show them Your love. (1 John 4:7)

#26. Lord, I pray for the protection and safety of my community and my nation, and I ask that You would bring peace and unity in the midst of turmoil and strife. (Psalm 122:6-7)

#27. Heavenly Father, I pray for supernatural provision and abundance in my life, so that I can be a generous giver and bless others. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

#28. Lord, I pray for a deeper understanding and revelation of Your word, and I ask that You would give me wisdom and insight as I study and meditate on Your truth. (Psalm 119:18)

#29. Heavenly Father, I pray for a spirit of humility and obedience, so that I can submit to Your will and follow Your guidance. (James 4:7)

#30. Lord, I thank You for the opportunities and blessings that You have in store for me this month, and I pray that You would help me to walk in faith and confidence, knowing that You are with me every step of the way. Amen. (Hebrews 13:5)


These prayer points were prayerfully written by Pastor Fortune Ihunweze. For prayers and counselling, reach him via WhatsApp on: +238080820671.

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