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The angel that made the revelations to Daniel revealed to him and by extension to us that there are demonic powers that control every hamlet, community, society, state, etc that has a name or identity. So there are powers in-charge of everywhere on earth. In this case Persia, because that was where Daniel was living at that time. To buttress this, Daniel 10:20 talks about another demonic prince, the Prince of Greece.

Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.‖ - Dan 10:20

So you can be sure that there is a spirit demonic princes and Kings of your kindred, hamlet, community, local government, state and nation supervising the affair and progress of people who originates from or are residing there.

The angel said that he was stopped in the heavenly firmament by the Prince of Persia. This is no earthly prince, since no human prince would be able to withstand or resist the power of a heavenly angel or overcome him. No, the Prince of Persia was the demonic power and principality that executes action for the spiritual powers overseeing the affairs of the nation of Persia. The prince of Persia is therefore the spiritual errand personality of the kingdom of darkness in a particular territory. These territorial errand spirits are strong enough to withstand certain angels.

The angel revealed to Daniel that while he (Daniel) was praying to the Lord, here on earth, a battle was raging in the atmospheric heaven above the earth between Michael, the Archangel and the Prince of Persia and his demonic team to secure the release of the angel that has God’s response to Daniel’s prayer. You should know that the demons were not fighting the angel because they want to show their powers but because they don’t want Daniel to receive the answers to his prayers.

Daniel 10:13 reveals that the demonic powers that delayed answers to Daniel’s prayers were of two levels; the PRINCE and the KINGS. The angel said; - …but the Prince of Persia withstood me … and I remained there with the Kings of Persia. It seems to me that the Prince of Persia arrested the angel and handed him over to the kings who detained him. This implies that the Princes are spirit foot-soldiers who hijack transmissions between men and God and hand same over to their kings to keep.

The Prince and Kings of Persia are spiritual powers that work tirelessly to truncate God’s purpose and destiny for you. They are forces that rule the spiritual atmosphere of geographical territories in the spiritual realm. Everyone living in the territory where they rule is usually under their control except for holy spirit-filled believers. These demonic spiritual powers aim at bringing the territories they superintend under spiritual bondage and suffering. No progress comes the way of anyone except they allow or are forced to allow it. Except persistent power shattering prayers are rendered by any individual who desires a breakthrough, nothing positive happens in the life of the person.

The Kings of Persia

Most times when we do spiritual warfare with Daniel 10:1-21, we only pray against the Prince of Persia who you should know is only a foot soldier used for destructive errands. It is the Kings of Persia that send the prince on every mission he embarks on. The jurisdiction of these demonic spiritual kings influences the life of inhabitants of the territory they oversee. Ephesians 6:12, refers to them as "spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places" (ESV). Just like the earthly kings, they are the decision makers and the prince only executes their decisions. They are the ones that keep the things stolen from the people of God by the Prince. Being the one that gives the orders, the King has more authority than the Prince. The Kings are therefore demonic spiritual generals who decide who should be attacked and what strategies should be used. The Prince only executes the script of the kings.

One good way to win a battle quickly is to target the general who is the war strategist. Once the general is out, the army will be in disarray and can be defeated easily. If you destroy the powers and operations of the Kings, the Princes would have no orders to execute against you. Their operations would be in disarray because they have lost their strategist and there would be nobody to direct them on how to attack you. So while we war against the Prince of Persia in prayers, we should fight more against the Kings of Persia.

Life’s Battle Is Beyond What You See

While Daniel and his nation were in earthly captivity, looking at their circumstances with natural eyes and understanding, in the spirit realm, a great battle had been raging between Michael and demonic principalities. The battle was to secure the release of the angel that was sent to deliver heaven’s answer to Daniel’s prayer. Three weeks elapsed while Daniel prayed with fasting before the powers of darkness were forced to release the angel sent from heaven twenty-one days earlier. So, we learn from this that when we pray, binding principalities and powers in prayer, it may take up to three weeks or more for us to see changes, results, or heavenly response. Why? Because there will be opposition from the enemy, but they will not succeed. You will surely overcome if you persist in prayers.


  1. Father! By Your thunder destroy every spiritual monitoring gadget of the forces of darkness which they are using to monitor my prayers in Jesus’ name.
  2. You evil spiritual kings and princes working against me, I command you to bow and submit all your weapons of warfare now in Jesus’ name.
  3. Covenant of hard labour with no results of my father’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.
  4. You powers that have ordered the land not to yield its increase to me contrary to the Word of God in Deuteronomy 28:4, catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  5. Every evil power that has been trapping my prayers and answers to my prayers, catch fire now Jesus’ name.
  6. I command every evil blanket hindering divine blessing from reaching me to scatter now by in Jesus name.
  7. I command every arrow of territorial demons against my life to misfire now. Return and injure your senders now in Jesus’ name.
  8. I command every demonic file and document that has my name, particulars or anything that belongs or has to do with me on the altars of territorial powers to catch fire now in Jesus’ name.
  9. Every evil power fighting angels on assignment in my life, I command fire from God to consume you now in Jesus’ name.
  10. Every territorial prince fighting hard to frustrate the plan and purpose of God for my life, I declare that your hard work shall be in vain in Jesus’ name.
(Culled from the book, War Against The Prince and Kings of Persia)

Fortune Ihunweze is a pastor, Christian teacher, author and counsellor with great passion for prayers. Email:

Click the link below to get the WAR AGAINST THE PRINCE AND KINGS OF PERSIA prayer e-book for more prayer points.

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