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A Man After God's Heart

God stopped Samuel from anointing any of the other seven sons of Jesse who were presented to him before David because He won’t allow anyone take what belongs to a man after His heart. Jesse’s other son’s had kingly looks which made Samuel concluded on sighting Eliab, the first, “surely, this is the lord’s anointed” but heaven said no until David showed up.

I could imagine the surprise on Samuel’s face when God told him that David was the “man after His heart”, the one He has been talking about. Samuel must have wondered why God will be calling this mere boy a man. One truth you must know is that what makes a man a man is not the size of his physical body but rather the spiritual size of his heart. It is the capacity of your heart that makes you a man or a boy.

God is more interested in the personality of the person than the service he renders. Your service is only acceptable to God when your person has been accepted. It is only a man who has successfully won God’s heart that will understand and walk perfectly in the will of God for his life.

Watchman Nee in his book, Sit, Walk, Stand; The Process of Christian Maturity wrote, “if the life of a Christian is to be pleasing to God, it must be properly adjusted to Him in all things”. This is another way of saying, if a believer’s life and service must be acceptable to God then the believer must be a man after God’s heart, willing to do strictly according to God’s word. David, a little shepherd boy who spent most of his time in the wilderness taking care of his father’s flock successfully won God’s heart. What could this boy have done that so moved God to give him such a testimonial; one which so many who are in the service of God might not have? He was not a priest, evangelist, prophet or any of such.

How did David earn such a position in the heart of God? The answer is seen in Psalm 51:17 – “… a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise”. David presented God will a heart that is completely broken making it is for God to work on and mold it regularly. He had a heart that was always ready to take in instructions from God. Any believer who must enjoy a good relationship with God must aim at winning God’s heart.

If David could do it, you too can successful win God’s heart.


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