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The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it – Psalm 10:22

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies – Genesis 22:17

Divine blessing is a blessing whose source is from God. Because it does not come from men, it is often not well understood by men. It often comes in mysterious ways through insignificant channels which is often difficult to explain.

Is it not a mystery that a woman who has entered menopause will get pregnant and bear a child? That is the wonder of divine blessing experienced by Sarah (Genesis 21:1-3). It was the wonderful blessings of God that caused the land of Gerar to yield increase for Isaac even in the mist of drought and famine (Genesis 26:1-15). May God’s wonderful blessings locate you and put laugh on your lips in every area of your life.

Divine blessing is totally a function of God’s mercy and grace. God bestows His blessings on a person not because he or she qualifies but because God, in His mercy has decided to move in the man’s favor.

Having said this, it must be noted that there are certain qualities in a person that attracts God to bless the person. One of such conditions is that the person must have a relationship with God. This means that the person must be a child of God (John 1:12). So you must be born again to be better qualified for God’s blessings.

You must be a fellow that is given to total obedience to the word of God. In Genesis 12:1-2, God said to Abram, “… get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred… and I will make you a great nation…” God did not say He will bless Abram then he will obey Him. Rather God said obey me first and I will bless you. Total obedience to God’s word positions you for divine blessing. Obedience to God’s word means you will live holy, evangelize, be a giver, pay your tithe and obey every righteous instruction and counsel that proceeds from the altar.

To attract God’s blessing, you must be a worshipper. Solomon gave God an intense worship slaughtering several burnt offerings and that night God visited and asked him to make a choice of the blessing he wants (1Kings 3:4-5).
That story of King Solomon reveals another important point which is that you must ask God for specific blessings. God could have gone ahead to bless Solomon with anything but He decided to hear from Solomon first. It was the blessing Solomon asked of God that he got. Similarly you must be specific when praying to God for blessings. It is what you speak to God that He will release to you. Such prayer of course must be guided by the spirit of God you won’t be asking amiss (James 4:3).

Remain blessed!

Fortune Ihunweze is a pastor, Christian teacher, author and counsellor with great passion for prayers. Email:

Get a copy of the WAR AGAINST THE PRINCE AND KINGS OF PERSIA prayer e-book for more prayer points.

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