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And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits - Daniel 11:32 (KJV)

From the Bible passage above, it is crystal clear that if there are people who should be doing exploits, they are those that do know their God.  The passage says they that know their God shall be strong and do exploit. It means that the secret to receiving divine strength (physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally) and doing exploit is in knowing God. What does it then mean to know God?

Apostle Paul once prayer, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death” (Philippians 3:10). It is not very easy to come to terms with the fact that Apostle Paul made such a statement that, “I may know Him”. What else does he want to know about Christ that he has not known after many years in the ministry?

Knowing God to the level of being strong and doing exploit in and through Him goes beyond the face value of the words. To know God means to have a relationship with Him. It means to become and remain aware of who God is and what He is capable of doing; to believe firmly in the truth or certainty of God’s enormous power, authority, sovereignty, majesty, love, grace and His other attributes.

A believer’s level of knowledge of God determines what value he places on God and which in turn models his relationship with his Creator. A believer esteems God as much as he knows Him.

It is only those who know that God can get them out of challenges that like David that will stand and confront every Goliath that comes their way. It is only those that believe that God can reverse situations that appears impossible will remain hopeful when it appears all hopes are lost. Only those that know that their God can heal them that will hold unto the helm of Jesus’ clothe in faith when they get sick. It is they that know their God that will do exploits.

Beloved you are saved and washed in the blood for exploits. God has deposited in you boldness and potentials for exploits. You are therefore too strong to be defeated by the devil. It does not matter what challenges he is brandishing at you, because you have identified with the saving grace of Jesus and given yourself to the knowledge of God, you will do exploits in every one of them in Jesus name. You will begin to do exploit even in areas where the enemy thought he has defeated you. You exploits in life’s endeavors shall be heard abroad. It is will never be over until you have fully done all the exploits heaven packaged you for in Jesus name.
Remain blessed!


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