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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life - John 3:16.

Welcome to December, the last month of the year. I am grateful to God Almighty who has graciously sustained us thus far. It is a season of gladness and celebration and I pray that God will give you multiple miracles that will make you dance throughout this month in Jesus name.

One characteristic of this season is that it is a time we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and gifts are exchanged between loved ones. Giving to celebrate the birth of Jesus began with God who gave us the best of gifts which is Jesus. God so much loved humanity that He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of man. For that, He gave His only begotten Son to come and die for man.

It is therefore very important that as the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated in this season, that we do not lose sight of the main purpose for His coming which is to reconcile sinful man back to a righteous and holy God (2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Beloved your celebration therefore should be within the bounds of righteousness as anything contrary will only glorify the devil.

Also since the season is to celebrate Christ, it is important that we give Jesus to others by bringing the message of salvation to them. Your celebration will be incomplete and deficient if you do not use it to preach Christ. Let us further push the frontier of the gospel into the camp of the devil, depopulate his kingdom and give heaven a reason to bless us more. Remember, there is joy in heaven for a single sinner that repents (Luke 15:7) and God will surely bless whosoever that will make heaven joyful this season.

Beloved, win a soul and grab your blessings from God. Give Jesus to as many as comes your way this season and you can be sure you have given them the best gift; one that will last them till eternity.
God bless you richly as I pray and believe that we all will see the glorious dawn of 2014.

Remain blessed!


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