Conforming usually seems the right thing to do when one finds himself overwhelmed by the presence, influence and power of others. The tendency is to always blend in when it seems that nobody will listen when you talk. When there are fears that one’s views will be seen as medieval then conforming to prevailing trends appears to be the best way out. But that is not who believers should be. We are not saved to become opinion followers but rather opinion formers especially when opinions in the contrary are out of harmony with the word of God. It should not matter to us whether our standpoint is accepted to the generality of people or not once it is what God demands of us then it should be our stand.
Conforming usually seems the right thing to do when one finds himself overwhelmed by the presence, influence and power of others. The tendency is to always blend in when it seems that nobody will listen when you talk. When there are fears that one’s views will be seen as medieval then conforming to prevailing trends appears to be the best way out. But that is not who believers should be. We are not saved to become opinion followers but rather opinion formers especially when opinions in the contrary are out of harmony with the word of God. It should not matter to us whether our standpoint is accepted to the generality of people or not once it is what God demands of us then it should be our stand.
Beloved, this
unbelieving world can hardly agree with you because you do not belong to the
same kingdom. Of course light and darkness are never the best of friends. The
kingdom of light which you belong to has principles and rules different from
those of the world.
we see believers compromise their belief because they do not want to be
ridiculed and called names. As the Bible counsel, …let God be true, but every man a liar (Romans 3:4). That should be
the dictum of every believer in this regards. A believer who conforms to the
world stands the risk of been led to hell by the world because that is where
the world without Christ is heading. So to have your heart completely
transformed, you should cut yourself off from the world. This is necessary so
you can be weaned from the source of tempting prompts to sin.
One of the
principles of fire fighting is to cut off one of the three needed elements
(fuel, oxygen and heat) for fire to occur. Once any of them is cut off, the
fire dies. This is similar to what a believer achieves when he cuts himself off
from the ways of the world. He reduces considerably his sources of temptation.
When I became a believer and needed to stop drinking, one of the things I did
was to cut off from friends in whose company I go drinking following this up
with prayer worked for me.
Put away old
things, videos, music, magazines, and any other material that fuels your lust
and inordinate desires and living an overcoming Christian life becomes easier.
For as long as these sources of temptation remain with and around you, you will
always be like the ground that has so much thorns on which the seeds where
plants in the parable of the sower (Luke 8:5-15). The thorns would not allow it
to grow.
A Christian’s
love for God is known by his relationship with the world. If a Christian
continuously courts the world then his love for God is in serious doubt because
a friend of the world is hardly God’s friend (James 4:4). People often ask how
can we live in the world and not be friends with the world? When the Bible
talks about friendship with the world, it is not necessary referring to having
a relationship with people who are not believers but to the fact that we should
have affection toward the evil ways of the world. For instance we are not
expected to dress in everything we see others wear especially when the clothing
does not meet the demands of our faith which is that our nakedness must be
covered and as much as possible non-seductive.
As believers, I
believe that though we must not necessarily become friends with unbelievers, we
must be overtly friendly with them otherwise we will be shutting ourselves out
of the opportunity to preach the gospel to them and make the gospel we preach
more acceptable. We definitely owe this erring world so much love and there is
no love without friendliness (not necessarily friendship).
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