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To Win God’s Heart: Be Broken

Winning the heart of God is no easy task. Why? Because God is perfect and man for the most part is a bundle of imperfection. Before a man can win God’s heart there must be parity between his life and vision with that of God. He must see and do things the way God wants them done not the way his human thoughts and mind desires. The man must be broken. God finds it very difficult to work with men who are not completely broken. This is so because an unbroken Christian will always want to have his way. He will want to use God to achieve his spiritual and material desires rather than allowing God to use him for heaven’s eternal purpose. An unbroken Christian finds it very difficult to submit totally to God making it almost impossible for God to direct the course of the person’s life.

It was difficult for God to work with Moses until after 40years in Midian. All through those years God must have been supervising him constantly measuring his level of brokenness. A broken Christian will always weep, beg and pray to God for forgiveness when he notices the smallest dent on his Christian life. Not so with an unbroken heart. The latter will sought for reasons to justify and excuse sin in his life. You hear him say, “I am flesh and blood and God understands that I am not perfect.” A broken heart is very malleable and so God can always mold it with so much ease into what He desires. He is ever ready to go anywhere and undertake any assignment God expects of him. He is not like the unbroken believer who will want to choose what he does for God.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despisePsalm 51:17.

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit34:18.
God is so much in love with a broken believer that He is always near to him making him better and better every day. A man that is after God’s heart, ceases to work for himself but does everything to God’s glory. He does not do anything that will not bring glory to God. He walks, works, speaks, dances, jokes, laughs, relates with people within the boundaries availed him by God, always sensitive not to offend his master. For every believer, brokenness is therefore a must to ensure a successful relationship with God.


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